Name City Country
Z_GIS University SalzburgSalzburgAustria
Technical University of Vienna, Department of Geodesy and GeoinformationViennaAustria
Carinthian Technical InstituteVillachAustria
University of LiegeLiegeBelgium
Catholic University of LeuvenLeuven-HeverleeBelgium
Cyprus University of TechnologyLimassolCyprus
Palacky University OlomoucOlomoucCzech Republic
Masaryk UniversityBrnoCzech Republic
Landscape Geoinformatics Lab, Department of Geography, University of TartuTartuEstonia
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, FGI, National Land Survey of FinlandEspooFinland
University of TurkuTurkuFinland
Aalto University, Department of Built EnvironmentEspooFinland
Institut Géographique National (IGN-France)Saint-Mandé CEDEXFrance
Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Department of GeodesyBochumGermany
Institute of Geography, Augsburg UniversityAugsburgGermany
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD)DarmstadtGermany
Technical University of Dresden, Department of Geosciences, Professur für GeoinformatikDresdenGermany
HafenCity University Hamburg, DepartmentGeomatikHamburgGermany
Leibniz University of Hannover, Institut für Kartographie und GeoinformatikHannoverGermany
University Heidelberg, Geographisches Institut, Chair of GIScienceHeidelbergGermany
University of Muenster, Institute for GeoinformaticsMünsterGermany
Jade University Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth, Institute for Applied Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics (IAPG)OldenburgGermany
Harz University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Automation and Computer ScienceWernigerodeGermany
University of Bamberg, Cultural Informatics Research GroupBambergGermany
Geographisches Institut, Humboldt UniversityBerlinGermany
i3mainz – Institute for Spatial Information and Surveying Technology, University of Applied Sciences, FH - MainzMainzGermany
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation , University of BonnBonnGermany
52 NorthMuensterGermany
SenseLAB, Technical University of CreteChaniaGreece
Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, University of West AtticaAthens, AigaleoGreece
Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)HeraklionGreece
Department of Cadastre, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Aristotle University  of ThessalonikiThessalonikiGreece
Department of Geography, Harokopio UniversityAthens -KallitheaGreece
School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, National Technical University of AthensAthensGreece
Research Institute of Geodesy, Vilnius Gediminas Technical UniversityVilniusLithuania
Laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing, Wageningen University and ResearchWageningenNetherlands
Spatial Information Laboratory, School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamAmsterdamNetherlands
Human Geography, Planning and International Development, University of AmsterdamAmsterdamNetherlands
Faculteit Bowkunde, TU DelftDelftNetherlands
Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht UniversityUtrechtNetherlands
Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of TwenteEnschedeNetherlands
Faculty of Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Life SciencesÅsNorway
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of TechnologyWarsawPoland
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK)WarszawaPoland
Centro ALGORITMI, Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do MinhoGuimarãesPortugal
NOVA Information Management School, Universidade Nova de LisboaLISBOAPortugal
Computer Graphics & GIS Lab (GISLab), Faculty of Electronic Engineering,University of NisNišSerbia
IAAA - Sistemas de Information Avanzados, University of ZaragozaZaragozaSpain
Department of Planning, Aalborg UniversityCopenhagenDenmark
European Spatial Data Research (EuroSDR)DublinIreland
Department of Geodetic Engineering, University of LjubljanaLjubljanaSlovenia
GEOLab - Geomatics and Earth Observation Laboratory, Politecnico di MilanoMilanoItaly
Institute of New Imaging Technologies, Universidad Jaume I (UJI)Castellón de la Plana, CastellónSpain
Servei de Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica i Teledetecció, Universitat de les Illes BalearsPalma de MallorcaSpain
Land Laboratory (LaboraTe), Department of Agroforestry Engineering, University of Santiago de CompostelaLugoSpain
Department of Technology and Built Environment, University of GävleGävleSweden
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund UniversityLundSweden
Institut Geomatik, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und GeomatikMuttenzSwitzerland
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL)LausanneSwitzerland
Institute fuer Kartographie und Geoinformation, ETH ZuerichZürichSwitzerland
Department of Geography, University of ZurichZürichSwitzerland
School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, University of LeicesterLeicesterUnited Kingdom
Nottingham Geospatial Institute (NGI), University of NottinghamNottinghamUnited Kingdom
Bell Edwards Geographic Data Institute, School of Geography & Sustainable Development, University of St AndrewsSt Andrews, ScotlandUnited Kingdom
Urban Big Data CentreGlasgowUnited Kingdom
Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA), Scool of Geography, University of LeedsLeedsUnited Kingdom
ESRIRedlandsUnited States
Space And Close Earth Observation Sciences (SpaceOS), Wrocław University of Environmental and Life SciencesWrocławPoland
Forest Resources Management, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH ZurichZürichSwitzerland
Interdisciplinary Center for Geographic Information Sciences (IZG), Institute of Geography, Ruhr-Universität BochumBochumGermany
Computational Geography, Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht UniversityUtrechtNetherlands
School of Geographical Sciences, University of BristolBristolUnited Kingdom
Reginal Excellence, Kerttu Saalasti Institute, University of OuluOuluFinland
Working Group Data Science and Geocommunication, Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of ViennaViennaAustria
Geomatics, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College LondonLondonUnited Kingdom
Centre for Spatial and Digital Ecologies University of GreenwichLondonUnited Kingdom
Institute of Urban Geography, Tourism Studies and GeoinformationLodzPoland
Geographic Data Science Lab, University of LiverpoolLiverpoolUnited Kingdom
Department of Geoinformation Systems and Technologies at Research Institute of Geodesy and CartographyKyivUkraine
GIRS Lab University of HelsinkiHelsinkiFinland