In March 2025, AGILE, as the first academic society, has signed the NFDI4Earth FAIRness and Openness Commitment to underline the AGILE efforts towards open and reproducible research. By signing the commitment, we commit to advance FAIRness and Openness in Earth System Sciences and to value data infrastructures and data experts. More specifically, we
- Commit to the mission of NFDI in bringing together research communities to provide data for the common good, and the role of NFDI4Earth as a facilitator of sustainable, collaboratively developed solutions in Earth System Sciences.
- Support and uphold, where appropriate and possible, the principles and values outlined in existing Open Science declarations and statements.
- Be familiar with relevant data laws and acts, especially those related to geospatial data, in both national and European jurisdictions. These laws facilitate data sharing at both national and international levels.
- Give credit to all sources underlying our research findings and, whenever possible, credit is given through proper citations.
- Choose to publish Earth System Sciences data in Earth System Sciences domain repositories and other suitable research infrastructures that meet all four aspects of FAIR principles and consider the specific characteristics of Earth System Sciences data.
- Strengthen FAIR and Open Data practices by supporting educational networks, robust training programmes, and the production of educational materials that promote transparency and accessibility of research outputs.
- Adopt Data Management Plans as important tools for all research projects. These plans are invaluable for strategically planning data documentation, publication, and collaboratively monitoring data management activities. We seek and consider expert curation and guidance for them.
- Where possible, use open and permissive data and software licences that legally enable the envisioned free and open sharing of Earth System Sciences data.
- Support and align scientific work with governing bodies and organisations that advance the underlying causes of this commitment.
- Recognise the vital role that Earth System Sciences domain repositories and their curation services play in achieving and preserving the highest possible FAIRness and Openness in the Earth System Sciences. As researchers, institutions, and funding agencies, we endeavour to ensure the sustainability of these repositories and other relevant research infrastructures.
- Collaborate with data curators and repository managers and leverage their expertise to make Earth System Sciences research outputs transparent, machine-readable, interoperable, and re-usable in the long term. They use diverse approaches, such as the NFDI4Earth Label, to document and advance interoperability across data repositories.
- Adhere to and contribute to international standards for harmonising Earth System Sciences data, metadata, data quality, and application programming interfaces (APIs). Support their implementation and development across research infrastructures, as this is crucial for effective interdisciplinary research and advancements in novel analysis methods such as Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning (AI & ML).