PhD School 2015 - Champs sur Marne (Paris), France

The 3rd AGILE PhD School was led by Prof Lex Comber (University of Leeds, UK) and Dr Bénédicte Bucher (IGN, France) ran over 4 days and was attended by 20 PhD students from institutions across Europe. The aim of the School was to provide training in core research and writing skills for the next generation of European researchers in spatial information sciences support students. It included sessions on scientific writing, how to frame research and presentation skills with talks from international speakers on recent developments in key GIScience topic areas. There were also a number of social events! The accommodation, meals and travel were fully supported financially by AGILE for each of the attendees.

Council: Alexis Comber, Benedicte Bucher,  Members: University of Leeds, IGN-FR

Proceedings 3rd AGILE PhD School

The list below contains the papers of the AGILE PhD School 2015 in Champs sur Marne (Paris), France. The proceedings of the PhD school are published as CEUR workshop proceedings.


Road regulation sensing with in-vehicle sensors
Stefania Zourlidou, Monika Sester

A pattern-based design environment for creating geogames
Thomas Heinz

Image and 3D structure based ontology for object recognition
Paulo Dias Almeida, Jorge Gustavo Rocha

Assessing geographic data usability in analytical contexts by using sensitivity analyses of geospatial processes
Robin Frew

Minimal structure from motion representation for image geocoding
Nuno Amorim, Jorge Gustavo Rocha

A framework to specify agent-based models in geographic sciences
Cédric Grueau, João Araujo

The interplay of places and human social networks
Christoph Stich

Describing the levels of detail for the analysis of spatio-temporal events
Ricardo Almeida Silva

Semiotics of addressing systems in urban environments
Negar Alinaghi

Modeling the dynamics of maritime territories to assess the vulnerability of the maritime network
Martin Tanguy, Aldo Napoli

Identifying urban corridors : unified concept and global analysis
Isabel Georg, Hannes Taubenböck

Volunteered geographic information and data quality - the case of social reporting
Olga Yanenko

The emotion-aware city: using ambient geographic information (AGI) in order to understand emotion & stress within smart cities
Tiago H. Moreira de Oliveira

Exploring climate change and its impact on agriculture using volunteered geographic information
Hamed Mehdipoor

Detection of potential updates of authoritative spatial databases by fusion of volunteered geographical information from different sources
Stefan S. Ivanović, Ana-Maria Olteanu Raimond, Sébastien Mustière, Thomas Devogele

Detecting unstructured events through multi-source data analysis
Patrizia Sulis, Ed Manley

Adding intermediate representations in a multi-scale map to enable a smooth zooming
Marion Dumont, Guillaume Touya, Cécile Duchêne

Detecting and analysing "urban villages" in the Pearl River delta using multi-source remote sensing data
Chunzhu Wei, Ed Manley

Optimizing the provision of cultural ecosystem service for inhabitants: combing residential distance with landscape characteristics
Ting Zhou, Eveline S. van Leeuwen, Eric Koomen

An integrated geo-spatial approach of access to public healthcare services and socio-economic analyses
Pablo Cabrera-Barona

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