PhD School 2019 - Tartu, Estonia

The proceedings from the 5th AGILE PhD School that was run in Tartu (Estonia) at the end of 2019 have been now deposited and published online at

phd school 2019

Alexander Kmoch and Evelyn Uuemaa from the University of Tartu were the organisers of the school, which was run over 3 days and included a full day on geovisualisation, and another focused on exercises on presenting research (presentation skills and styles), scientific writing styles, framing researching (linking literature reviews to research questions and methods) and communicating research. Compared to previous editions, the novelty this year was a full day on reproducibility and Data Carpentry hands-on materials. Timing was perfect to introduce the Author Guidelines for Reproducible Paperswhich are part of the Call for Papers. Frank Osterman (ITC, The Netherlands) and Carlos Granell (UJI, Spain) gave a short (remote) presentation to the participants about AGILE, followed by an introduction to reproducibility.

Consequently, in regards to the focus on reproducibility and with support from Daniel Nüst from the University of Münster, advantage was taken of the prepared R Markdown materials and a reproducible semi-automatic workflow was developed to generate high-quality PDF documents inpreparation for publishing the workshop proceedings.

Alexander Kmoch, Daniel Nüst, Evelyn Uuemaa (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th AGILE (Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe) PhD School 2019, Tartu, Estonia, November 25-28, 2019, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3835766, online

The Proceedings of the 5th AGILE PhD School can be found on this website.

Editors: Alexander Kmoch, Daniel Nüst, & Evelyn Uuemaa 

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