Accepted papers and posters 2019

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Full papers

The Accepted Full Papers of AGILE 2019 will be published by SPRINGER. You may find more details here.


Geographic Information Representation, Retrieval and Visualization

- Place Questions and Human-Generated Answers: A Data Analysis Approach,

Ehsan Hamzei, Haonan Li, Maria Vasardani, Timothy Baldwin, Stephan Winter and Martin Tomko

- Relaxing Unanswerable Geographic Questions Using a Spatially Explicit Knowledge Graph Embedding Model,

Gengchen Mai, Bo Yan, Krzysztof Janowicz and Rui Zhu

- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Embeddings in Representing the Structure of Geospatial Ontologies,

Federico Dassereto, Laura Di Rocco, Giovanna Guerrini and Michela Bertolotto

- Web-Based Visualization of Big Geospatial Vector Data,

Florian Zouhar and Ivo Senner


Geoinformation Science and Geospatial Technologies in Transportation

- A Clustering-Based Framework for Understanding Individuals’ Travel Mode Choice Behavior,

Pengxiang Zhao, Dominik Bucher, Henry Martin and Martin Raubal

- Classification of Urban and Rural Routes Based on Motorcycle Riding Behaviour,

Gerhard Navratil, Ioannis Giannopoulos and Gilbert Kotzbek

- Route Choice Decisions of E-Bike Users: Analysis of GPS Tracking Data in the Netherlands,

Gamze Dane, Tao Feng, Floor Luub and Theo Arentze

- Route Optimisation for Winter maintenance,

Nikmal Raghestani and Carsten Keßler


Geoinformation Science and Geospatial Technologies in Urban/Regional Planning

- Tracing Tourism Geographies with Google Trends: A Dutch Case Study,

Andrea Ballatore, Simon Scheider and Bas Spierings

- Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Vacant Houses using Public Municipal Data,

Yuki Akiyama, Akihiro Ueda, Kenta Ouchi, Natsuki Ito, Yoshiya Ono, Hideo Takaoka and Kohta Hisadomi

- Enhancing the Use of Population Statistics Derived from Mobile Phone Users by Considering Building-Use Dependent Purpose of Stay,

Toshihiro Osaragi and Ryo Kudo

- Potential of Crowdsourced Traces for Detecting Updates in Authoritative Geographic Data,

Stefan S. Ivanovic, Ana-Maria Olteanu-Raimond, Sébastien Mustière and Thomas Devogele

- A Scalable Analytical Framework for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Neighborhood Change: A Sequence Analysis Approach,

Nikos Patias, Francisco Rowe and Stefano Cavazzi

- Improving Business-as-Usual Scenarios in Land Change Modelling by Extending the Calibration Period and Integrating Demographic Data,

Romain Mejean, Martin Paegelow, Mehdi Saqalli and Doryan Kaced


Spatial Scale as a Common Thread in Geoinformation Analysis and Modeling

- Market Area Delineation for Airports to Predict the Spread of Infectious Disease,

Carmen Huber and Claus Rinner

- Reflective Practice: Lessons Learnt by Using Board Games as a Design Tool for Location-Based Games,

Catherine Jones and Konstantinos Papangelis

- Agent-Based Simulation for Indoor Manufacturing Environments – Evaluating the Effects of Spatialization,

Stefan Kern and Johannes Scholz


User and Workforce Dimensions of Geospatial Technologies

- Towards a Usability Scale for Participatory GIS,

Andrea Ballatore, Will McClintock, Grace Goldberg and Werner Kuhn

- Future Occupational Profiles in Earth Observation / Geoinformation – Scenarios Resulting from Changing Workflows,

Barbara Hofer, Stefan Lang and Nicole Ferber


Short papers

How to cite one of these :
<Author name(s), 2019. Title.> In: Kyriakidis, P., Hadjimitsis, D., Skarlatos, D. & Mansourian, A. (Eds.), 2019. Accepted Short Papers and Posters from the 22nd AGILE Conference on Geo-information Science. Cyprus University of Technology 17-20 June 2019, Limassol, Cyprus. ISBN 978-90-816960-9-8, Publisher: Stichting AGILE.


- On-the-fly Edge-Matching for Cascaded Service Content

Pekka Latvala, Lassi Lehto and Samuli Kytö

- A Context Frame for Interactive Maps, 

Andrea Ballatore

 - Agent Based Simulation of Pedestrian Movement in Urban Environments

Martin Knura

Guerrilla Badges for Reproducible Geospatial Data Science

Daniel Nüst, Lukas Lohoff, Lasse Einfeldt, Nimrod Gavish, Marlena Götza, Shahzeib Tariq Jaswal, Salman Khalid, Laura Meierkort, Matthias Mohr, Clara Rendel and Antonia van Eek

 - Residential interrelationship: The case study of the Sylheti and Dhaka communities of Whitechapel

Flint Shlomit

 - An adaptable and scalable least cost network for air-taxis in urban areas Study area: Manhattan, New York

Moritz Hildemann and Carlos Delgado

InSAR DSM using Sentinel 1 and spatial data creation

Vasileios Letsios, Ioannis Faraslis and Demetris Stathakis 

- Training samples from open data for satellite imagery classification: using K-means clustering algorithm

Cláudia M. Viana, Inês Girão and Jorge Rocha

 - How is multiscale accessibility related to population, functional and socio-economic characteristics of settlements: the case of Israel

Nir Kaplan, David Burg and Itzhak Omer

 - Estimating OpenStreetMap Missing Built-up Areas using Pre-trained Deep Neural Networks

Hao Li, Benjamin Herfort and Alexander Zipf

 - Creating visually consistent DEMs over water bodies using laser scanning data

Ville Mäkinen, Juha Oksanen and Tapani Sarjakoski

 - On the problem of providing unique identifiers for areas with any shape on Discrete Global Grid Systems

Rubén Béjar, Miguel Ángel Latre, Francisco J Lopez-Pellicer, Javier Nogueras-Iso and F. Javier Zarazaga-Soria

 - Analysis of Flickr, Snapchat, and Twitter use for the modeling of visitor activity in Florida State Parks

Hartwig Hochmair and Levente Juhász

 - Utilization of Tandem-X data to identify the potential trigger of the 2018’s Sunda Strait Tsunami in Indonesia

Winhard Tampubolon and Wolfgang Reinhardt      

 - Acquisition of Urban Trees using Artificial Neural Networks and Remote Sensing Data

Amelie Haas, Pierre Karrasch and Lars Bernard

 - Investigating geomagnetic bird navigation: 4D data fusion of co-located GPS and magnetometer data

Urska Demsar

 - Geographical context in community detection: a comparison of a node-based and a link-based approach

Sebastijan Sekulić, Jed Long and Urska Demsar

 - The Impact of Indoor/Outdoor Context on Smartphone Interaction During Walking

Jakub Krukar and Antonia van Eek

 - An Event-Driven Architecture Based on Copernicus Satellite Data for Water Monitoring

Sebastian Drost, Matthes Rieke, Simon Jirka, Arne Vogt, Verena Rabea Kirstein and Andreas Wytzisk

 - Evaluating walkability with WalkMyPlace - Five reasons why the utility of may be limited in South America

Stefan Steiniger, Carolina Rojas and Giovanni Vecchio

 - Development of People Flow Data with Individual Demographics based on Mobile Phone GPS Big Data

Yohshiki Ogawa, Yuki Akiyama and Ryosuke Shibasaki

 - Who will be served by the Shared-Automated-Vehicle?

Golan Ben-Dor, Eran Ben-Elia and Itzhak Benenson

 - Civil Protection 2.0. A Diagram-based Approach for Managing an Emergency Plan

Monica Sebillo, Giuliana Vitiello, Michele Risi, Michele Grimaldi and Dimitri Dello Buono

 - Sampling Designs for selecting points from Digital Surface Models to create Digital Terrain Models

Philip Fayad, Apostolos Papakonstantinou and Phaedon Kyriakidis

 - Study of the relationship between rental house prices and people congestion of urban areas based on mobile phone GPS data

Yinglan Qin, Yuki Akiyama, Yoshiki Ogawa, Ryosuke Shibasaki and Ritsu Sakuramachi

 - Geostatistical analysis of temperature in the boundary layer using variogram scaling exponents

Amy Frazier and Benjamin Hemingway

 - Identification of the Homes, Offices, and Schools from Long-Interval Mobile Phone Big Data Using Mobility Pattern Clustering

Ryosuke Kobayashi, Satoshi Miyazawa, Yuki Akiyama and Ryosuke Shibasaki

 - The relationship between land surface temperature and local climate zone classification: A case study of the canton Geneva, Switzerland

Maryam Lotfian, Jens Ingensand, Sarah Composto, Monia Elisa Molinari and Maria Antonia Brovelli

 - Using GIS and Open Web Resources to Reconstruct XuanZang Travel Routes and Great Tang Records of the Western Regions

Zhaohui Fu and Sheyla De Santana

 - Can Reproducible and replicable research facilitate causal explanation in Geography ?

Peter Kedron

 - Exploring social dynamics: predictive geodemographics

Jennie Gray, Lisa Buckner and Alexis Comber

 - Deep learning geodemographics with autoencoders and geographic convolution

Stefano De Sabbata and Pengyuan Liu

 - Understanding skill needs in the EO/GI sector: a job advertisements analysis

Wesley Gruijthuijsen, Saudade Pontes, Glenn Vancauwenberghe, Danny Vandenbroucke and Marc Olijslagers

 - Classification of street junctions according to traffic regulators

Stefania Zourlidou, Colin Fischer and Monika Sester

 - Interoperable Management of Glider Sensor Data

Matthes Rieke, Simon Jirka, Daniel Hayes, Justin H. Buck and Ehsan Abdi

 - Implications of incomplete GPS-enabled mobile phone data on human mobility studies

Enki Yoo, John Roberts and Youngseob Eum

 - Machine learning of spatiotemporal processes: investigating livestock changes in Mongolia with LSTM recurrent neural networks

Lex Comber, Alison Heppenstall, Taro Takahashi, Naru Tsutsumida and Paul Harris

 - Introducing Social Distance to ST-DBSCAN

Olga Yanenko

 - Predicting short-term travel demand in bike sharing systems with neural networks

Yuanxuan Yang, Alison Heppenstall, Andy Turner and Alexis Comber

 - Flood Risk Assessment and Mitigation Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Data

Jordan Bates and Tanmoy Chakraborty

 - Random forest classification analysis of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 images over semi-arid environment in the Eastern Mediterranean

Stavros Patsalidis, Athos Agapiou and Diofantos G. Hadjimitsis

 - Monitoring Urbanization Dynamics in Cyprus using Time-Series DMSP/OLS Nightlight Imagery

Stylianos Hadjipetrou and Demetris Stathakis

 - Quantifying how visibility-based land cover and wilderness measures relate to perceived scenicness of landscape

Yi-Min Chang Chien, Alexis Comber and Steve Carver

 - The TN-ITS Platform: Creating a seamless data-exchange on changes in critical road network related spatial data between road authorities and map providers in Cyprus

Georgios Christou, Andreas Georgiou, Christos Panayiotou and Aristotelis Savva

 - A next-generation geospatial catalogue: a proof of concept

Sergio Martín Segura, Francisco J Lopez-Pellicer, Juan Valiño García and F. Javier Zarazaga-Soria

 - A GIS-based approach to karst relief cyclicity by using Fast Fourier transform

Tomaž Podobnikar, Mateja Štefančič and Timotej Verbovšek

 - Online data reliability for monitoring tourism activities in cities

Luis Encalada, Jorge Rocha and Carlos C. Ferreira

- Generalization of geological maps: Aggregation and typification of polygon groups

Azimjon Sayidov and Robert Weibel

- Determining Point Locations of Places by Using Area Datasets

Thomas Brinkhoff 

- Environmental Data Platform (EDP), a Solution to Work with Big Data, Standardized and Reproducible

Andrea Vianello, Armin Costa, Bartolomeo Ventura, Roberto Monsorno, Simone Tritini, Daniele Antonucci and Alexander Jacob 



 - Reproducible Publications at AGILE Conferences – Proposed Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers

Barbara Hofer, Karl W. Broman, Carlos Granell, Anita Graser, Kristina Hettne, Daniel Nüst, Frank Ostermann, Rusne Sileryte, Marta Teperek

 - GIS-analysis of the technical potential of wind energy in the Netherlands

Sebastiaan van Bemmel and Bart Rijken

 - Combining network methods with longitudinal data analysis to examine spatio-temporal variation in bike sharing data

Sarah Gadd, Alison Heppenstall, Mark S Gilthorpe and Peter Tennant

 - A GIS-based Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Crisp and Fuzzy Methods

Chrysaida-Aliki Papadopoulou and Thomas Hatzichristos           

 - MARRE: A research project to monitor the Hellenic Seas using Remote sensing

Konstantinos Topouzelis, Elena Athanasopoulou, Andromachi Chatziantoniou, Athanasia Iona, Aristomenis Karageorgis, Dimitris Kavroudakis, Pantelis Mitropoulos, Apostolos Papakonstantinou, Stella Psarra, Spyros Spondylidis, Panagiotis Symeonidis and Theodoros Vakkas 

- Regional agricultural production statistics for 160 years using the geographic information system and the spatial analytical technique

Cláudia M. Viana, Dulce Freire and Jorge Rocha

 - Model of research of sociodemographic structures

Donatas Gudelis

 - Identify the backbone structure of Highway network System for Chinese 23 Urban Regions

Huiping Liu, Xiangping Liu and Lifu Zheng

 - From question to query: GIS for Impact Assessment

Rusne Sileryte, Alexander Wandl, Jorge Gil and Arjan van Timmeren

 - Map generalization based on a superpixel structure

Yilang Shen and Tinghua Ai

 - Development of the TATM metadata editor for the documentation of spatial data from the Hellenic area according to INSPIRE directive

Dimitrios Sarafidis, Faidon Zampoglou and Maria Papadopoulou

 Similarity of paths in spatial networks: The case of long-distance athletic events

Dimitris Kavroudakis, Panagiotis Agourogiannis, Marios Batsaris, Michalis Vaitis, Efstratios Kavroudakis and Panayiotis Kouloumentas

 - A Spatial Optimization Approach for Vector-based Land Use Planning

Jing Yao and Xiaoxiang Zhang

 - Semantic Enrichment of Routing Engines using Linked Data: A Case Study Using GraphHopper

Junaid Abdul Jabbar and Rizwan Bulbul

 - A spatiotemporal approach for detecting street intersections

Stefania Zourlidou, Maximilian Idahl and Monika Sester

 - Mapping ice cover dynamics in the Curonian Lagoon using remote sensing and geographic information system

Rasa Idzelytė, Igor Kozlov and Georg Umgiesser

 - An information system for the detection of water leaks in municipal water networks

Poulicos Prastacos, Manolis Diamandakis and Manolis Kosmadakis

Evaluation of Natural Flood Management using Curve Number in the Ciliwung Basin, West Java

Arif Rohman, Lex Comber and Gordon Mitchell

- Cloud Based Discovery and Processing of Geospatial Data

Arne Vogt, Andreas Wytzisk, Sebastian Drost and Simon Jirka

- Metadata assessment for efficient open data retrieval

Chiao-Ling Kuo and Han-Chuan Chou 

- Using Weather Condition and Advanced Machine Learning Methods to Predict Soccer Outcome

Denny Asarias Palinggi, Francisco Ramos, Joaquín Torres-Sospedra and Sergi Trilles

- Feature Extraction in Parallel with Georeferencing for the Digitalization of Historical Maps

Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Chiao-Ling Kuo, Jheng-Hong Lai, Hsiung-Ming Liao and Huang-Sin Syu

- A Monocular SLAM Method for Point Cloud Geolocation in GPS-Denied Environments using UASs

Dimitrios Trigkakis, Dimitris Chatziparaschis, George Petrakis, Achilles Tripolitsiotis and Panagiotis Partsinevelos 

- Integrated Use of Machine Learning and Geostatistics for High Resolution Mapping of Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentrations

Guofeng Cao and Ying Liu

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