PhD School 2012 - Harz, Germany

The first AGILE PhD-School turned out to be an interesting, well-attended and fruitful event. Supported by AGILE grants and organised by Hardy Pundt (University of Applied Sciences Harz, Germany) and Lars Bernard (Technical University of Dresden, Germany) the PhD-School took place on March 13-14 2012 at the University of Applied Sciences Harz in Wernigerode. The fifteen participants came from AGILE labs in Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, and Portugal. They covered a wide spectrum of scientific fields with respect to Geoinformatics.
Benedicte Bucher (IGN, France) attended as a senior researcher and advised on how to successfully organise a PhD. Nicholas Gould from Manchester Metropolitan University received a best presentation grant for his submission on 'Semantic description of generalisation web services for on-demand mapping'.

Council: Hardy Pundt, Lead: Hardy Pundt, Member 1: University of Applied Sciences Harz, Other Members: TU Dresden, IGN-FR

Proceedings 1st AGILE PhD School

Editors: Hardy Pundt, Lars Bernard

ISBN: 978-3-8440-0873-9

The list below contains the papers of the AGILE PhD School 2012 in Wernigerode, Germany. They are published in Proceedings 1st AGILE PhD School, ISBN: 978-3-8440-0873-9, which is part of the series Regionales Innovationszentrum für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften und Umwelt-/Geoinformation in the Shaker Verlag GmbH.


New hypotheses on serial offender’s spatial behaviour
Marie Trotta, University of Liège, Belgium

Integration of temporal and semantic components into the Geographic Information: Methodology
Willington Siabato, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Bruno Martins, Instituto Superior Técnico, Porto Salvo, Portugal

Information Overload Problem in Decision Making
Ricardo Filipe Silva, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, CENTRA, Portugal

Semantic description of generalisation web services for on-demand mapping
Nicholas Gould, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Geospatial Ontology Harmonization
Heshan Du, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Development of a Framework for Uncertainty-Aware Land Cover Change Analyses with Visual Analytics Methods
Christoph Kinkeldey, HafenCity University Hamburg, Laboratory for Geoinformatics and Geovisualization, Germany

Modeling and Validation of Spatial Uncertainty as a Context to Provide Ambient Services
Anahid Bassiri, K.N.Toosi University, Teheran, Iran

Towards Understanding The Factors of Integrating Spatial Data Infrastructures and Crowdsourced Geographic Data
Mark Iliffe, University of Nottingham, Nottingham Geospatial Institute / Horizon Doctoral Training Centre, United Kingdom

Spatial Scale in Digital Soil Mapping
Stefano Cavazzi, Cranfield University, National Soil Resources Institute, United Kingdom

Ad-hoc-Geoprocessing in Spatial Data Infrastructures – Formalizations for Geooperators
Johannes Brauner, Technische Universität Dresden, Geoinformation Systems, Germany

Towards a CityGML based data model for the GRB, the 2D-large scale topographic inventory of Flanders
Ine de Cubber, Katholieke Hoogeschool Sint-Lieven, Gent, Belgium
Jos van Orshoven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Modeling and analysis of migration movement of pre-colonial cultures in the Amazon basin
Carolin von Groote-Bidlingmaier, University of Augsburg, Germany
Sabine Timpf, University of Augsburg, Germany

Crowdsourcing Building Interior Models
Julian Rosser, University of Nottingham, Geospatial Institute, United Kingdom

Taking VGI Seriously: The Portuguese Administrative Modernization Agency (AMA) Case Study
Antonio José Silva, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Superior de Estatísticae Gestão de Informação, Portugal
Jorge Gustavo Rocha, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Context-based geoinformation technologies in e-Tourism
Thomas Spangenberg, University of Applied Sciences Harz, Wernigerode, Germany

Information Overload Problem in Decision Making: The Important Relies on Changes
Ricardo Filipe Silva, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, CENTRA, Portugal

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