Project GeoThnk
AGILE is partner in the project GEOTHNK: Semantic Pathways for Building a Spatially-thinking Society. The project is led by the National Technical University of Athens.
GEOTHNK is a 2-year project under the Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus of the EU (1/12/2013-30/11/2015). GEOTHNK consortium consists of 8 partners from 6 European countries from academic and non-academic sector. The project aims at enhancing spatial thinking through an innovative ICT-based approach and an open, collaborative educational environment and at offering a methodological approach which allows the interdisciplinary organization and semantic linkage of knowledge. The project’s innovation lies in the following: (i) transversal character (different target groups of educators and learners), (ii) transfer of recent geospatial research on semantics, ontologies, and knowledge visualization, as well as, innovative teaching methods, (iii) integration of knowledge (development of integrated blocks of knowledge), and (iv) interdisciplinary approach (semantic linkage of knowledge components from different disciplines).
AGILE Workshop Geospatial Thinking: Research, educational and societal aspects
Workshop Topics
Contributors are invited to submit short papers which topics include, but are not limited to:
- spatial thinking
- geospatial education
- geospatial semantics in education
- ICT platforms for spatial teaching and learning
- open resources for geospatial education
- digital agenda for Europe
- ...
Agile Special Interest Group in Geospatial Thinking
GEOTHNK project (, led by the National Technical University of Athens - OntoGeo Research Group (
Workshop Chairs
Chair: Prof. Marinos Kavouras, National Technical University of Athens, AGILE Council member
Co-chair: Prof. Lars Bernard, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, AGILE Council co-chair
Presentation slides
"Geospatial Thinking: Research, Education and Societal Challenges", Marinos Kavouras, NTUA [pdf]
"GI@School - Learning and Communicating with Geotechnologies", Vanessa Joy Anacta, WWU Münster [pdf]
"Scale and Context for Differentiating Spatial and Geospatial Thinking", Diana Sinton, USGS [pdf]
"Teaching Spatial Thinking from Interdisciplinary Perspectives - Spatial Thinking 2015 at COSIS 2015", Heather Burte, Tufts University [pdf]
"The Esri-AAG Geomentor", Joseph Kerski, ESRI [pdf]
Further information are available at