Phd School 2017 - Leeds, United Kingdom

The 4th AGILE PhD school was run over 3 days and included sessions and exercises on, presenting research (presentation skills and styles), scientific writing styles (ladder reading and writing etc), framing researching (linking literature reviews to research questions and methods) and communicating research (telling the story in appropriate way for the audience you are trying to reach – eg policy).

These were led by Lex Comber ( with inputs from Ian Philips ( and Nick Malleson ( gave the students a hands on master class in Agent Based Modelling.

The students were also introduced to the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA – see one of the leading Big Data research centres in the UK and one of the partners in the Alan Turing Institute (see

We had a good time socially as well, visiting one of the oldest pubs in Leeds, a local Persian restaurant and a restaurant specialising in local, Yorkshire produce.

The proceedings can be cited as follows:
Lex Comber and Nick Malleson (eds.): PhD School of the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe. Proc. AGILE PhD School 2017, Leeds, UK, October 30 - November 02, 2017,, online

Proceedings 4th AGILE PhD School

The list below contains the papers of the AGILE PhD School 2017 in Leeds, UK. The proceedings of the PhD school are published as CEUR workshop proceedings.


Integration of Social Media in Spatial Crime Analysis and Prediction Models for Events
Alina Ristea, Michael Leitner

Development of Methodological Tools for Assessment and Enhancement Geospatial Literacy
Christos Charcharos

Place-based GIS: Functional Space
Emmanuel Papadakis, Thomas Blaschke

Understanding Human Activities in Green Areas with Social Media Data
Vuokko Heikinheimo

Using Multi-Sensor Tracking Data to Analyze The Mobility and Activity Behavior of Older Adults
Hoda Allahbakhshi, Robert Weibel

Geospatial Data Integration and Visualisation Using Linked Data
Weiming Huang, Ali Mansourian, Lars Harrie

Development of a Monitoring System for Tthe Evaluation of the Hydromorphological Status of Small and Medium Sized Rivers in the Free State of Saxony
Sebastian Hunger

Automating Geological Mapping: a Constraint-Based Approach
Azimjon Sayidov, Robert Weibel

Natural Disaster Database Design and Development for Himalaya Using Social Media
Kiran Zahra