How to become a member


The Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe (AGILE) was established in early 1998 to promote academic teaching and research on geo-information and GIScience at the European level, and to promote the networking activities across the community.

AGILE seeks to ensure that the views of the geographic information teaching and research community are fully represented in the discussions that take place on future European research agendas and it also provides a permanent scientific forum where geographic information researchers can meet and exchange ideas and experiences.

Criteria for Membership

The AGILE Council encourages research groups and laboratories, from throughout the Europe and beyond, who are engaged in geographic information research and teaching to apply for membership. Member activities include matters relating to cartography, computing, geographic and spatial analysis, socio-economic and environmental modelling, surveying in diverse application areas such as agriculture, forestry, geology, hydrology, market research, urban planning, transport, as well as issues associated with the use of geographic information technologies. They can be based in academic institutions as well in other centres where geographic information research is carried out as for example EU-funded, government funded and National Science Council funded centres. In all cases, however, it is the group rather than the individuals in that group who apply for membership.

Benefits of membership

By becoming member of AGILE your group will be entitled to the following specific benefits:

  • Special rates at AGILE events including the annual conference and working group workshops;
  • The right to nominate candidates for election to the AGILE Council;
  • The right to propose and take part in AGILE initiatives.
  • The right to use the AGILE name in your promotional material;
  • The right to use the AGILE communication channels (Website, Newsletter, mailing lists) to announce positions, training & research projects, etc;
  • The right to apply for early career grants for attending the AGILE Conference.

Members are also encouraged to actively participate in research networks to influence future GI research agendas. As a member you can also apply for AGILE Initiative funding, i.e. smaller projects to work on a particular topic. Past initiatives include the Research Map which aimed at mapping the research activities undertaken by our membership and the initiative on Reproducible Publications at AGILE Conferences.

Affiliated members

Academics involved in research and education often work in close conjunction with industrial partners. In order to support for these kinds of links within the AGILE structure, a special class of membership has been created: Affiliated Nembers. The affiliated membership can be a first step in the process to strengthen the links between the European academic GI-community and an industrial partner.

How to become a member

If you wish to become a member of AGILE and take part in the elections for the Council, you must return a completed Application form (below) to the AGILE Secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and you will be invoiced for payment of a membership fee of 275€.

We hope that your group will take advantage of this opportunity to join AGILE and we look forward to meeting you at one of our joint events.