AGILE 2018 - Lund

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AGILE conference 2018

The Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE) has held annual conferences focused on Geographical Information Science for more than two decades. The 21st AGILE conference was held in Lund, Sweden on 12-15 June, 2018. The theme of the conference is Geospatial Technologies for All.

The main topics for the 2018 conference include Big Spatial Data: Analysis and Visualization, Volunteered Geographic Information and Community Observatories, Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of GI, as well as GIScience and Technology Education and Training. Contributors were encouraged to propose new themes, both for presentations and for workshops. AGILE seeks to ensure that new perspectives on teaching and research in geographic information science are fully represented at the conference to help shape the future European research agenda in this field. This is also aligned with our conference theme, Geospatial Technologies for All, that emphasizes an interest in the development and application of geospatial information technologies in all fields and disciplines.


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