Best papers and posters 2022

Best Papers & Posters will be announced in special Awards session on June 17, 2022.

Best full papers candidates

5 What are intersections for pedestrian users?
Jean-Marie Favreau and Jérémy Kalsron. 
7 Unlocking social network analysis methods for studying human mobility.
Nina Wiedemann, Henry Martin and Martin Raubal. 
14 GeoXTag: Relative Spatial Information Extraction and Tagging of Unstructured Text.
Syed Mehtab Alam, Elena Arsevska, Mathieu Roche and Maguelonne Teisseire. 

Best short papers candidates

29 Representing Vector Geographic Information As a Tensor for Deep Learning Based Map Generalisation.
Azelle Courtial, Guillaume Touya and Xiang Zhang. 
65 The use of high-resolution photogrammetry for the survey and analysis of rock-climbing walls.
Stefan Ruess, Gernot Paulus and Karl-Heinrich Anders.