Best Papers


Best Full Paper
Developing a city-specific walkability index through a participatory approach
Matias Cardoso, Vasileios Milias and Maurice Harteveld

Best Short Paper
Geolocating Bees by Translating the Waggle Dance into Spatial Coordinates
Sylvain Galopin, Guillaume Touya and Freddie-Jeanne Richard

Best Poster
Thriving Cities. Assessing socio-ecological urban structures and subjective well-being in the 15 Minute City. The case of Utrecht, Netherlands.
Nohemi Ramirez Aranda, Alexander Wandl and Birgit Hausleitner


Best Full Paper
Detecting Road Damages in Mobile Mapping Point Clouds using Competitive Reconstruction Networks
Paul Mattes, Rico Richter and Jürgen Döllner

Best Short Paper
Semantic Identification of Urban Green Spaces: Forest
Irada Ismayilova and Sabine Timpf


Best Full Paper
Relaxing Unanswerable Geographic Questions Using a Spatially Explicit Knowledge Graph Embedding Model
Gengchen Mai, Bo Yan, Krzysztof Janowicz and Rui Zhu

Best Short Paper
Geographical Context in Community Detection: A Comparison of a Node-based and a Link-based Approach
Sebastijan Sekulić, Jed Long and Urska Demsar

Best Poster
Metadata assessment for efficient open data retrieval
Chiao-Ling Kuo and Han-Chuan Chou


Best Full Paper
Mixed Traffic Trajectory Prediction Using LSTM–Based Models in Shared Space
Hao Cheng and Monika Sester

Best Short Paper
Opinion mining from Twitter and spatial crime distribution for hockey events in Vancouver
Alina Ristea, Michael Leitner and Martin Andresen


Best Full Paper
Beyond Pairs: Generalizing the Geo-dipole for Quantifying Spatial Patterns in Geographic Fields
Rui Zhu, Phaedon Kyriakidis and Krzysztof Janowicz

Best Short Paper
Energy-based Routing and Cruising Range Estimation for Electric Bicycles
Simon Haumann, Dominik Bucher and David Jonietz

Best Posters (of the jury/public)
Design of a multi-thematic small-scale community data panel
Stefan Kaup and Caroline Baumgart

City Data 3.0 – A generic initiative to promote and assess the reuse of geographic information in cities – Early steps.
Fernando Benitez and Joaquín Huerta


Best Full Paper (equal votes)
Critical Situation Monitoring at Large Scale Events from Airborne Video based Crowd Dynamics Analysis
Alexander Almer, Roland Perko, Helmut Schrom-Feiertag, Thomas Schnabel and Lucas Paletta

Spatial Data Relations as a Means to Enrich Species Observations from Crowdsourcing
Stefan Wiemann

Best Short Paper
Sonorous Cartography for Sighted and Blind People
Didier Josselin, Abdelbery Saidi, Dorian Roussel, Said Boularouk, Olivier Bonin, Eitan Altman and Driss Matrouf

Best Poster
GIS database for the World’s largest fossil oyster reef
Ana Djuricic, Norbert Pfeifer, Peter Dorninger, Clemens Nothegger, Mathias Harzhauser, Oleg Mandic and Balázs Székely


Best Full Paper
Designing a Language for Spatial Computing
Werner Kuhn and Andrea Ballatore

Best Short Paper
Implementing Naive Geography via Qualitative Spatial Relation Queries
Paolo Fogliaroni and Heidi Hobel


Best Full Paper
Encoding and querying historic map content
Simon Scheider, Jim Jones, Alber Sanchez and Carsten Keßler

Best Short Paper
Capability of movement features extracted from GPS trajectories for the classification of fine-grained behaviors
Ali Soleymani, E. Emiel van Loon and Robert Weibel

Best Poster
It’s Girls’ Day! What sketch maps show about girls’ spatial knowledge
Vanessa Joy A. Anacta and Thomas Bartoschek


Best Full Paper
Facility Use-choice Model with Travel Costs Incorporating Means of Transportation and Travel Direction
Toshihiro Osaragi and Sayaka Tsuda

Best Short Paper
Orientation Information in Different Forms of Route Instructions
Rui Li, Vanessa Joy A. Anacta and Angela Schwering


Best Full Paper
Predicting Spatiotemporal Distribution of Transient Occupants in Urban Areas
Toshihiro Osaragi and Takeshi Hoshino

Best Poster
Analysis of Importance of Road Networks Exposed to Natural Hazards
Jean-Marc Tacnet, Éric Mermet and Somsakun Maneerat


Best Paper
A Spatio-Temporal Model Towards Ad-Hoc Collaborative Decision-Making
Martin Raubal, Martin Winter

Best Poster
An Assessment and Categorisation of Quantitative Uncertainty Visualisation Methods for Geospatial Data
H. Senaratne and L. Gerharz


Best Poster
People with Difficulty in Returning Home after a Devastating Earthquake
Toshihiro Osaragi and Satoshi Tanaka


Best Paper
Implementing Semantic Reference Systems
Martin Raubal and Werner Kuhn