Proceedings 2014

The 17th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science

Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and Place

Editors: Joaquin Huerta, Sven Schade, Carlos Granell

ISBN: 978-3-319-03611-3

This page contains the short papers and poster abstracts of the AGILE 2014 conference in Castellon, Spain. All submissions were peer-reviewed.

The short papers and the poster abstracts are listed separately. The short papers are located according to the AGILE 2014 conference sessions.

The copyright of the full papers is owned by Springer-Verlag, thus the full papers cannot be found here. They are published in the Springer book Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and Place, which is part of the Springer series Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography.

Poster Abstracts

Ulla Pyysalo and Juha Oksanen
Visualization of uncertain catchment boundaries and its influence on decision making (pdf)

Vivas White Pedro, Del Rey Amelia, Sanz Jorge and Brodin Ignacio
SOS Server deployment for sharing environmental sensor data through the OTALEX-C Spatial Data Infrastructure (pdf)

Alberto Belussi, Piergiorgio Cipriano, Sara Migliorini, Mauro Negri and Giuseppe Pelagatti
Design of the Data Transformation Architecture for the INSPIRE Data Model Browser (pdf)

Lisa Bingham and Derek Karssenberg
Error propagation in a fuzzy logic spatial multi-criteria evaluation (pdf)

Pekka Latvala, Lassi Lehto and Jaakko Kähkönen
ELF GeoLocator Service (pdf)

Giles Foody, Steffen Fritz, Linda See, Norman Kerle, Glen Hart and Cidalia Fonte

Teresa Batista, Carmen Caballero, Fernando Ceballos, Cristina Carriço, Pedro Vivas, José Cabezas, Luis Ferdández and Carlos Pinto-Gomes
IDE-OTALEX C. The big challenge of the first Crossborder SDI between Spain and Portugal (pdf)

Andrea Podör and András Révész
Noise map: professional versus crowdsourced data (pdf)

Ali Mansourian, Alex Lubida, Ehsan Abdolmajidi, Petter Pilesjö and Micael Runnström
SDI strategic planning using the system dynamics technique: A case study in Tanzania (pdf)

Maria Dolores Arteaga Revert and Monica Wachowicz
A conceptual representation for modelling the synchronization process of complex road networks (pdf)

Luciene Delazari, Jeremy Morley and Suchith Anand
Evaluation of subjective preferences regarding indoor maps: comparison of schematic maps and floor plans (pdf)

Lina Eklund, Andreas Persson, Jing Tang, Mitch Selander and Martin Borg
Using Crop Phenology to Assess Changes in Cultivated Land after the Anfal Genocide in Iraqi Kurdistan (pdf)

Alexandra Rasova
Fuzzy viewshed, probable viewshed, and their use in the analysis of prehistoric monuments placement in Western Slovakia (pdf)

Christin Henzen and Lars Bernard
Usability Patterns for Geoportals (pdf)

Sergi Trilles, Óscar Belmonte Fernández, Laura Díaz Sánchez and Joaquín Huerta Guijarro
Agile access to sensor network (pdf)

Winhard Tampubolon
Utilization of NoSQL database for disaster preparedness (pdf)

Antonio Rodriguéz
Latest Developments and activities in the Spanish NSDI (pdf)

Lucy Mburu and Alexander Zipf
A Spatial Approach to Surveying Crime-problematic Areas at the Street Level (pdf)

Vanessa Joy Anacta and Thomas Bartoschek
It’s GIrls’ Day! What sketch maps show about girls’ spatial knowledge (pdf)

Karolina Korzeniowska and Norbert Pfeifer
3D Building Change Detection on the basis of Airborne Laser Scanning Data (pdf)

Maria Antonia Brovelli, Carolina Arias Munoz, Giorgio Zamboni and Alexander Bonetti
Exploring twitter georeferenced data related to flood events: an initial approach (pdf)

Naga Raghuveer Modala
Texas PanHandle Climate Change Interactive GIS Web Application (pdf)

Avit Kumar Bhowmik and Ana Cristina Costa
Data Scarcity or low Representativeness?: What hinders accuracy and precision of spatial interpolation of climate data?

Maurici ruiz, Joana Maria Seguí Pons, Jaume Mateu Lladó and Maria Rosa Martínez Reynés
Improving equity of public transportation planning. The case of Palma de Mallorca (Spain) (pdf)

Alicia Gonzalez, Antonio Rodríguez, Celia Sevilla and Miguel Villalón
The CartoCiudad gamble on Open Source and value-added services (pdf)

Miguel Ángel Esbrí
FOODIE: Farm-Oriented Open Data in Europe

Sven Casteleyn, Carlos Granell, Sergi Trilles and Joaquín Huerta
How Earth Observation, Crop Modeling, and ICT can help rice cultivation: the ERMES project


Paper Sessions

Steven Prager and R. Paul Wiegand
Real-time detection of anomalous paths through networks (pdf)

Stefan Wiemann and Lars Bernard
Linking crowdsourced observations with INSPIRE (pdf)

Mehdi Ebadi, Jamal Jokar Arsanjani and Mohamed Bakillah
Crowdsourced-Based Mapping Of Historical West-To-East Routes From The Textual Accounts Of European Traveler (pdf)

Álvaro Arranz, Guillermo Amat, Ángel Ramos and Javier Fernández
Using Open Street Maps data and tools for indoor mapping in a Smart City scenario (pdf)

Toshihiro Osaragi and Yuko Hiraga
Topological Structure and Travel Efficiency of Street Network created by Proximity Graphs (pdf)

Shyam Parhi
Spatiotemporal Data Complexity in electronic Airport Layout Plan and its visualization (pdf)

Falko Schmid and Daniel Langerenken
Augmented Reality and GIS: On the Possibilities and Limits of Sensor-based AR (pdf)

Toni Hernandez, Josep Sitjar, Rosa Olivella and Lluis Vicens
Geographic Information Technologies for analysing the digital footprint of tourists (pdf)

Tino Barras, Marut Doctor, Marc Revilloud, Michael Schumacher and Jean-Christophe Loubier
Queues in Ski Resort Graphs: the Ski-Optim Model (pdf)

André Dittrich and Christian Lucas
Is this Twitter Event a Disaster? (pdf)

Emmanuel Stefanakis and Titus Tienaah
“Troy is ours – How on earth could Clytaemnestra know so fast?” (pdf)

Lex Comber, Sven Schade, Linda See, Peter Mooney and Giles Foody
Semantic analysis of Citizen Sensing, Crowdsourcing and VGI (pdf)

Pilar Garcia-Almirall, Francesc Valls Dalmau and Montserrat Moix Bergada
Planned vs. Real City: 3D GIS for Analyzing the Transformation of Urban Morphology (pdf)

Frank Ostermann and Sven Schade
Multi-sensory Integration for a Digital Earth Nervous System (pdf)

Irene Garcia-Martí, Joaquín Torres-Sospedra, Luis E. Rodríguez-Pupo and Joaquín Huerta
A comparative study on VGI and professional noise data (pdf)

Spyridon Spyratos, Michael Lutz and Francesco Pantisano
Characteristics of Citizen-contributed Geographic Information (pdf)

Francis Harvey, Jim Jones, Simon Scheider, Adam Iwaniak, Iwona Kaczmarek, Jaromar Lukowicz and Marek Strzelecki
Little Steps Towards Big Goals. Using Linked Data to Develop Next Generation Spatial Data Infrastructures (aka SDI 3.0) (pdf)

Luise Hutka and Lars Bernard
Analysing spatiotemporal patterns of antibiotics prescriptions (pdf)

Sam Meek, Mike Jackson and Didier Leibovici
A flexible framework for assessing the quality of crowdsourced data (pdf)

Apostolos Lagarias and Poulicos Prastacos
Applying a CA-based model to explore land-use policy scenarios to contain sprawl in the case of Thessaloniki (pdf)

David Noël, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Jérôme Gensel
Recitoire: a tool for qualitative surveys involving citizens in urban planning projects (pdf)

Glenn Vancauwenberghe, Danny Vandenbroucke, Joep Crompvoets, Francesco Pignatelli and Raymond Boguslawski
Assessment of the integration of geographic information in e-government policy in Europe (pdf)

Glenn Vancauwenberghe, Piergiorgio Cipriano, Max Craglia, Cameron Easton, Giacomo Martirano and Danny Vandenbroucke
Exploring the market potential for geo-ICT companies in relation to INSPIRE (pdf)

Md. Imran Hossain and Wolfgang Reinhardt
An algorithm for segmenting a feature set into equitable regions (pdf)

Mohammadreza Rajabi, Ali Mansourian, Petter Pilesjö, Finn Hedefalk, Roger Groth and Ahad Bazmani
Comparing Knowledge-Driven and Data-Driven Modeling methods for susceptibility mapping in spatial epidemiology: a case study in Visceral Leishmaniasis (pdf)

Linda See, Tobias Sturn, Christoph Perger, Steffen Fritz, Ian McCallum and Carl Salk
Cropland Capture: A Gaming Approach to Improve Global Land Cover (pdf)

Ivan Tomljenovic and Adam Rousell
Influence of point cloud density on the results of automated Object-Based building extraction from ALS data (pdf)

Rui Li, Stefan Fuest and Angela Schwering
The effects of different verbal route instructions on spatial orientation (pdf)

Michele Campagna, Konstantin Ivanov and Pierangelo Massa
Orchestrating the spatial planning process: from Business Process Management to 2nd generation Planning Support Systems (pdf)

Carolin von Groote-Bidlingmaier, Sabine Timpf and Klaus Hilbert
Estimating Moving Regions out of Point Data – from Excavation Sites in the Amazon region to Areas of Influence of Prehistoric Cultures (pdf)

Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Eric Vaz, Mohamed Bakillah and Peter Mooney
Towards Initiating Openlandmap Founded On Citizens’ Science: The Current Status Of Land Use Features Of Openstreetmap In Europe (pdf)

Diederik Tirry, Ann Crabbé and Thérèse Steenberghen
Publishing metadata of geospatial indicators as Linked Open Data: a policy-oriented approach (pdf)

Lars Harrie, Karin Larsson, David Tenenbaum, Milan Horemuz, Hanna Ridefelt, Gunnar Lysell, S. Anders Brandt, Eva A.U. Sahlin, Göran Adelsköld, Mats Högström and Jakob LagerstedtSome strategic national initiatives for the Swedish education in the geodata field (pdf)

Mathieu Kazmierski, Jean-Chistophe Desconnets, Bertrand Guerrero and Dominique BriandGEOSUD SDI : Accessing Earth Observation data collections with semantic-based services (pdf)

Kristin Stock
A Geometric Configuration Ontology to Support Spatial Querying (pdf)

Fausto D'Antonio, Paolo Fogliaroni and Tomi Kauppinen
VGI Edit History Reveals Data Trustworthiness and User Reputation (pdf)

Jacinto Estima, Cidália Fonte and Marco Painho
Comparative study of Land Use/Cover classification using Flickr photos, satellite imagery and Corine Land Cover database (pdf)

André Bruggmann and Sara Irina Fabrikant
How to visualize the Geography of Swiss history (pdf)

Barbara Hofer, Gudrun Wallentin, Christoph Traun and Josef Strobl
Workforce Demand Assessment to Shape Future GI-Education - First Results of a Survey (pdf)

Tales Paiva Nogueira and Hervé Martin
Qualitative Representation of Dynamic Attributes of Trajectories (pdf)

Ali Soleymani, E. Emiel van Loon and Robert Weibel
Capability of movement features extracted from GPS trajectories for the classification of fine-grained behaviors (pdf)

Amin Mobasheri and Mohamed Bakillah
Towards Spatio-temporal Data Modeling of Geo-tagged Shipping Information (pdf)

Jhonny Saavedra Velasquez, Luis M. Vilches-Blázquez and Alberto Boada
Cadastral data integration through Linked Data (pdf)

Rob Lemmens and Carsten Keßler
Geo-Information Visualizations of Linked Data (pdf)