The 20th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science
Societal Geo-innovation
Celebrating 20 years of GIS research!
This page contains the short papers and poster abstracts of the AGILE 2017 conference in Wageningen, Netherlands. All submissions were peer-reviewed.
Full Paper abstracts
Proceedings title:
Societal Geo-innovation. Selected Papers of the 20th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science
Editors: Arnold Bregt, Tapani Sarjakoski, Ron van Lammeren, Frans Rip
Abstracts only, the peer reviewed papers are published in the Springer book Societal Geo-innovation (, which is part of the Springer series Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography.
How to cite one of these:
<Author name(s), 2017. Title.> In: Bregt, A., Sarjakoski, T., Lammeren, R. & Rip, F. (Eds.), 2017. Societal geo-innovation : selected papers of the 20th AGILE conference on Geographic Information Science. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Residential choices as a driving force to vertical segregation in Whitechapel (PDF)
Shlomit Flint
Assessing accuracy and geographical transferability of machine learning algorithms for environmental modelling (PDF)
Fabio Veronesi, Athina Korfiati, René Buffat and Martin Raubal
3D Building Maps for Everyone—Mapping Buildings Using VGI (PDF)
Laura Knoth, Bernhard Vockner and Manfred Mittlboeck
Distance Measure Based on Spatiotemporal Coexistence of Residents and Its Application to Urban Analysis (PDF)
Toshihiro Osaragi and Ayaka Murakami
Personal Activity Centres and Geosocial Data Analysis: Combining big data with small data (PDF)
Colin Robertson, Rob Feick, Martin Sykora, Ketan Shankardass and Krystelle Shaughnessy
Towards automatic large-scale 3D building reconstruction: Primitive decomposition and assembly (PDF)
Hai Huang and Helmut Mayer
Perspectives in externalizations of mental spatial representations (PDF)
Heinrich Löwen, Angela Schwering, Jakub Krukar and Stephan Winter
Situated Reference Resolution for Pedestrian Wayfinding Systems (PDF)
Jana Götze and Johan Boye
On Measures for Groups of Trajectories (PDF)
Lionov Wiratma, Marc van Kreveld and Maarten Löffler
Spatio-temporal Road Coverage of Probe Vehicles: a Case Study on Crowd-sensing of Parking Availability with Taxis (PDF)
Fabian Bock, Yuri Attanasio and Sergio Di Martino
Personal dimensions of landmarks (PDF)
Eva Nuhn, Sabine Timpf
A Big Geo Data Query Framework to Correlate Open data with Social Network Geotagged Posts (PDF)
Gloria Bordogna, Steven Capelli and Giuseppe Psaila
Mining rainfall spatio-temporal patterns in Twitter: a temporal approach (PDF)
Sidgley Andrade, Camilo Restrepo-Estrada, Alexandre Delbem, João Albuquerque and Eduardo Mendiondo
Investigating representations of places with unclear spatial extent in sketch maps (PDF)
Vanessa Joy Anacta, Mohammed Imaduddin Humayun, Angela Schwering and Jakub Krukar
Dynamic Transfer Patterns for Fast Multi-modal Route Planning (PDF)
Thomas Liebig, Sebastian Peter, Maciej Grzenda and Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski
Follow the signs - countering disengagement from the real world during city exploration (PDF)
Markus Konkol, Christian Kray and Morin Ostkamp
The Effect of Regional Variation and Resolution on Geosocial Thematic Signatures for Points of Interest (PDF)
Grant McKenzie and Krzysztof Janowicz
When Granules are not enough in a Theory of Granularities (PDF)
Ricardo Almeida Silva, João Moura Pires and Maribel Yasmina Santos
Beyond Pairs: Generalizing the Geo-dipole for Quantifying Spatial Patterns in Geographic Fields (PDF)
Rui Zhu, Phaedon Kyriakidis and Krzysztof Janowicz
20 years of AGILE (PDF)
Hardy Pundt and Fred Toppen
Short papers (50) and Poster abstracts (45)
Links to their complete text are provided below.
How to cite one of these :
<Author name(s), 2017. Title.> In: Bregt, A., Sarjakoski, T., Lammeren, R. van, Rip, F. (Eds.). Societal Geo-Innovation : short papers, posters and poster abstracts of the 20th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Wageningen University & Research 9-12 May 2017, Wageningen, the Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-816960-7-4.
Short papers
Computing the least complex path for vehicle drivers based on classified intersections (PDF)
Robert S. Sladewski, Andreas Keler and Andreas Divanis
Using a generic spatial access method for caching and efficient retrieval of vario-scale data in a server-client architecture (PDF)
Adrie Rovers, Martijn Meijers and Peter van Oosterom
Opportunities and requirements for implementing an irrigation monitoring and management platform in Costa Rica (PDF)
Sytze de Bruin, José Francisco Aguilar Pereira, Rafael Arce Mesén and Eduardo Soto Quirós
Towards landmark-based instructions for pedestrian navigation systems using OpenStreetMap (PDF)
Anita Graser
Locating the position of a scenario projection in solution space (PDF)
Judith Verstegen, Floor van der Hilst and Derek Karssenberg
What you mark is where it was. A user-centric approach for post-hoc georeferencing of urban terrestrial photos (PDF)
Holger Fritze, Auriol Degbelo and Steffen Loos
A homogeneity test for spatial point patterns (PDF)
M. Virtudes Alba-Fernández and Francisco J. Ariza-López
A participatory spatial multi-criteria approach for flood vulnerability assessment (PDF)
Mariana Madruga de Brito and Mariele Evers
Gender differences in multidimensional accessibility to healthcare in contexts of deprivation (PDF)
Pablo Cabrera-Barona
GIS model for potential soil erosion with the optimization of RUSLE equation. Case of study: olive oil PDO in Aragón and Andalucía Regions (Spain). (PDF)
Alejandro Barriuso-Mediavilla, Ernesto Salas-Tovar, Isabel del Bosque and Javier Sanz-Cañada
Integrity Assessment of a Worldwide Maritime Tracking System for a Geospatial Risk Analysis at Sea (PDF)
Clément Iphar, Aldo Napoli and Cyril Ray
Geo-Visual Analytics for Pest Population Dynamics (PDF)
Gustavo Adolfo García Chapeton and Frank Ostermann
Preliminary Assessment of the Global Urban Footprint and the Global Human Settlement Layer for the city of Milan (PDF)
Marco Minghini, Monia Elisa Molinari, Linda See, Cidália Costa Fonte and Maria Antonia Brovelli
Mining user-generated geographic content: An interactive, crowdsourced approach to validation and supervision (PDF)
Frank Ostermann, Gustavo Adolfo García Chapeton, Menno-Jan Kraak and Raul Zurita-Milla
MyDynamicForest: citizen data on spatial patterns and motives of recreational use in Helsinki’s Central Park (PDF)
Silviya Korpilo, Tarmo Virtanen and Susanna Lehvävirta
How do volunteer mappers use crowdsourced Mapillary street level images to enrich OpenStreetMap? (PDF)
Levente Juhász and Hartwig Hochmair
Towards evaluating the mobile crowdsourcing of geographic information about human settlements (PDF)
Benjamin Herfort, Marcel Reinmuth, João Porto de Albuquerque and Alexander Zipf
Property Damage and Evacuation Risk in Tokyo Metropolitan Area at a Large Earthquake (PDF)
Maki Kishimoto, Toshiriro Osaragi, Takuya Oki and Noriaki Hirokawa
Supporting Dynamic Labeling in Web Map Applications (PDF)
Thomas Brinkhoff
Social media as a rainfall indicator (PDF)
Yu Feng and Monika Sester
The quality of thesauri used in geographic metadata (PDF)
Dayany Díaz-Corona, Javier Lacasta and Javier Nogueras-Iso
Using SPARQL to describe GIS methods in terms of the questions they answer (PDF)
Simon Scheider and Rob Lemmens
Massively Parallel Simulations of Agent-based Spatial Interaction: A Many-core Computing Approach with Spatial Big Data (PDF)
Zhaoya Gong, Wenwu Tang and Jean-Claude Thill
Multi-Domain Master Spatial Data Management for Open SII in Indonesian Smart Cities (PDF)
Agung Indrajit, Bastiaan van Loenen and Peter van Oosterom
Keeping up with the citizens – collecting earthquake observations in New Zealand (PDF)
Soren Haubrock, Caroline Little, Sara McBride and Natalie Balfour
Geographically Weighted Structural Equation Models: understanding the spatial variation of latent variables and drivers of environmental restoration effectiveness (PDF)
Lex Comber, Ting Li, Yihe Lü, Bojie Fu and Paul Harris
A graph-based strategy for matching points-of-interests from different VGI sources (PDF)
Tessio Novack, Robin Peters and Alexander Zipf
Using geovisual analytics to improve home location inference from cyclists’ GPS tracks: towards understanding the demographic representativeness of crowdsourced big data (PDF)
Cecilia Bergman and Juha Oksanen
FeaturEyeTrack: A Vector Tile-Based Eye Tracking Framework for Interactive Maps (PDF)
Fabian Göbel, Peter Kiefer and Martin Raubal
Bridging the gap between function and cover in spatially explicit land-use models: The LUISA approach (PDF)
Chris Jacobs-Crisioni, Vasco Diogo and Claudia Baranzelli
Modelling actors’ influence on land use change: a dynamic systems approach (PDF)
Richard Hewitt, Dmitry V. Kovalevsky, Cheryl de Boer, Klaus Hasselmann
3D Reconstruction of a Landslide by Application of UAV & Structure from Motion (PDF)
Sharad Kumar Gupta and Dericks Shukla
One tool to spatialize all: sense of place, social capital and civic engagement (PDF)
Albert Acedo, Germán Martín Mendoza Silva, Marco Painho and Sven Casteleyn
Cropland mapping from Sentinel-2 time series data using object-based image analysis (PDF)
Ovidiu Csillik and Mariana Belgiu
Micro Diagrams: A Multi-Scale Approach for Mapping Large Categorised Point Datasets (PDF)
Mathias Gröbe and Dirk Burghardt
Exploring indoor movement patterns through eduroam connected wireless devices (PDF)
Simon Griffioen, Martijn Vermeer, Balázs Dukai, Stefan van der Spek and Edward Verbree
A Semantic Modeling of Moving Object Data to Detect the Object’s Remarkable Behaviors (PDF)
Mojdeh Soltan Mohammadi, Isabelle Mougenot, Thérèse Libourel and Christophe Fagot
Towards an Analytical Framework for Enriching Movement Trajectories with Spatio-Temporal Context Data (PDF)
David Jonietz and Dominik Bucher
A Geosimulation for the Future Spatial Distribution of the Global Population (PDF)
Carsten Keßler and Peter J. Marcotullio
Point Cloud Based Visibility Analysis: first experimental results (PDF)
Guanting Zhang, Peter van Oosterom and Edward Verbree
Smart city trends and ambitions (PDF )
Lisanne de Wijs, Patrick Witte, Daniel de Klerk and Stan Geertman
Convolutional Neural Networks for the Extraction of Built-Up Areas from Sentinel-2 Images (PDF)
Khelifa Djerriri, Reda Adjouj and Dalila Attaf
Energy-based Routing and Cruising Range Estimation for Electric Bicycles (PDF)
Simon Haumann, Dominik Bucher and David Jonietz
Development of a new and open approach to dissolve polygons storing count data based on areal threshold (PDF)
Marcello Schiavina and Sergio Freire
Identifying probable pathways of language diffusion in South America (PDF)
Peter Ranacher, Curdin Derungs and Rik van Gijn
Using Machine Learning Gradient Boosting to model commercial activities (PDF)
Ricardo Barranco
An application framework for exploring sustainability limits: The impact of climate change in Brazil (PDF)
Pinelopi Kapetanaki, Peter Verweij, Laurence Jones, Margareth Simoes and Manuel Winograd
Research impact of Food Security and Climate Change on a worldwide scale, using publication frequency maps (PDF)
Georgios Anastasiou and Sander Janssen
High resolution satellite images for environmental monitoring of oil production in Western Amazon: the case of Yasuní National Park (PDF)
Francesco Ferrarese, Salvatore Eugenio Pappalardo, Daniele Codato and Massimo De Marchi
Towards Smart Sketch Maps for Community-driven Land Tenure Recording Activities (PDF)
Malumbo Chipofya, Sahib Jan, Carl Schultz and Angela Schwering
Generalizing and Labelling Street Features in Multi-Resolution Maps (PDF, Poster)
Wasim Shomann and Fatih Gulgen
AMiCUS: An Agent-based Model for CommUnity driven Supply in rural areas (PDF, Poster)
Mark Thomé, Florian Hoedt and Benjamin Dally
Why landslide susceptibility maps should change over time (PDF, Poster)
Jalal Samia, Arnaud Temme, Arnold Bregt, Jakob Wallinga, Fausto Guzzetti, Francesca Ardizzone and Mauro Rossi
Modeling the "average basket" of a retail store using Geographically Weighted Regression (PDF, Poster)
Paula Duarte Guerra and Ana Cristina Costa
Quality Assessment of Big Data with GIS (PDF, Poster)
Michiel Jellema and Marinus de Bakker
Spatial Prediction of Road Temperatures (PDF, Poster)
Marieke Dirksen, Raymond Sluiter and Eva Kleingeld
Archiving AIS messages in a Geo-DBMS (PDF, Poster)
Martijn Meijers, Wilko Quak and Peter van Oosterom
Evaluating the efficiency of the Swiss forest road network for timber harvesting and transport (PDF, Poster)
Marielle Fraefel, Christoph Fischer, Leo Bont and Fritz Frutig
A framework to monitor, model, and actively manage crowd behaviour (PDF, Poster)
Judith Verstegen, Florian Hillen and Christian Kray
Supporting the mapping of intertidal mussel beds with Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (PDF, Poster)
Henk Kramer, Sander Mücher, Karin Troost, Jappe Franke and Douwe Van den Ende
Social media data to indicate active citizenship at local level: the case study of attendance to demonstrations (PDF, Poster)
Cristina Rosales Sanchez
Topological Data Model for Interactive 3D-GIS Systems The Particular Case of the Underground Sewerage System (PDF, Poster)
Lidia Ortega, Gregorio Soria and Francisco Feito
Application of spatial regression to investigate current patterns of crime in the north of Portugal (PDF, Poster)
João Diogo Costa and Ana Cristina Costa
Improving the scalability of an environmental modelling framework to allow for large-scale high-resolution geosimulations (PDF, Poster)
Oliver Schmitz, Kor de Jong and Derek Karssenberg
Size matters? Exploring scale for neighbourhood effects (PDF, Poster)
Ana Petrović, Maarten van Ham and David Manley
Data Quality and Fitness for Purpose (PDF, Poster)
Franz-Benjamin Mocnik, Alexander Zipf and Hongchao Fan
3D GIS based on WebGL for the management of underground utilities. The case of institutions (PDF, Poster)
Francisco Feito, Juan M. Jurado, Lidia Ortega and Alejandro Graciano
Innovation in GI teaching and learning: a case-based approach (PDF, Poster)
Milva Carbonaro, Marco Minghini, Danny Vandenbroucke, Maria Antonia Brovelli, Silvia Gorni and Roderic Molina
Extraction of Landmarks using Building Attribute Data for Pedestrian Navigation Service (PDF, Poster)
Jiyoung Kim and Jung Ok Kim
Cartographic dissemination of peat land re-use scenarios – Intelligible and accessible web maps for specialists and the masses (PDF, Poster)
Ossi Kotavaara, Miia Parviainen and Jarmo Rusanen
An Architecture for Reproducible Computational Geosciences (PDF, Poster)
Daniel Nüst and Marc Schutzeichel
A comparative spatial analysis on land-use clusters for accessibility (PDF, Poster)
Hande Demirer and Wasim Shoman
Elaboration of digital soil map products for the support of terroir mapping (PDF, Poster)
Katalin Takács, Zsófia Bakacsi, Annamária Laborczi, Gábor Szatmári, József Szabó, Péter László, Sándor Koós and László Pásztor
Renewal of the Hungarian Soil Spatial Data Infrastructure by goal oriented digital soil mapping (PDF, Poster)
László Pásztor, Annamária Laborczi, Katalin Takács, Gábor Szatmári, Gábor Illés, Zsófia Bakacsi and József Szabó
How do prosumers use graphical variables on webmaps to communicate? (PDF, Poster)
Natalia Ipatow and Francis Harvey
Segmentation and sequential classification of a synthetized image composed of spatial environmental data for the compilation of a soil type map (PDF, Poster)
Gábor Illés, Katalin Takács, Annamária Laborczi and László Pásztor
Querying and Visually Analysing Incomplete Spatio-Temporal Data: The Case of the Marsh's Library (PDF, Poster)
Liliana Mamani Sanchez, Michela Bertolotto, Marc Caball and Jeffrey Cox
Evaluation of Object-based Image Analysis Softwares for segmentation in Remote Sensing Applications (PDF, Poster)
Munmun Baisantry, Dericks Shukla and Geeta Bansal
A platform to integrate crowdsourced, physical sensor and official geographic information to assist authorities in emergency response (PDF, Poster)
Diogo Fontes, Cidalia Fonte, Alberto Cardoso, José Paulo DUARTE de ALMEIDA and Jacinto Estima
Development of a Healthy Urban Route Planner for cyclists and pedestrians in Amsterdam (PDF, Poster)
Gert-Jan Steeneveld, Corné Vreugdenhil, Michiel van der Molen and Arend Ligtenberg
Exploring Farmers' Groundwater Use Patterns with an Agent-based Modeling Approach (PDF, Poster)
Sara Lotfi and Shahab Araghinejad
Recent research on 3D modelling of cadastral data in Slovenia (PDF, Poster)
Jernej Tekavec, Miran Ferlan and Anka Lisec
Impact Modelling for Circular Economy: Geodesign Discussion Support Environment (PDF, Poster)
Rusne Sileryte, Alexander Wandl and Arjan van Timmeren
Design of a multi-thematic small-scale community data panel (PDF, Poster)
Stefan Kaup and Caroline Baumgart
Smart Beetles: towards a Geogame for Smart Citizens (PDF, Poster)
Francisco Ramos and Nacho Miralles
City Data 3.0 – A generic initiative to promote and assess the reuse of geographic information in cities – Early steps. (PDF, Poster)
Fernando Benitez and Joaquín Huerta
Hypotheses of Electric Vehicle Charging Patterns; Assessment of an exploratory spatio-temporal data analysis. (PDF, Poster)
Daniel Scheerooren, Corne Vreugdenhil and Ron Van Lammeren
Citizense – A generic user-oriented participatory sensing framework (PDF, Poster)
Manh Khoi Ngo, Luis Rodríguez-Pupo and Sven Casteleyn