Proceedings 2022

The 25th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science

Artificial Intelligence in the service of Geospatial Technologies

This page contains the full papers, short papers and poster abstracts of the AGILE 2022 conference in Vilnius, Lithuania. All submissions were peer-reviewed.

Full Papers

The Accepted Full Papers of AGILE 2022 will be published by Copernicus Publications. You may find more details here.


Proceedings title:

Volume 3, 2022 | 25th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science “Artificial Intelligence in the service of Geospatial Technologies”
Editors: E. Parseliunas, A. Mansourian, P. Partsinevelos, and J. Suziedelyte-Visockiene (Eds.)

How to cite one of these:
<Author name(s), 2022. Title.> In: E. Parseliunas, A. Mansourian, P. Partsinevelos, and J. Suziedelyte-Visockiene (Eds.), 2021. Volume 3, 2022 | 25th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science “Artificial Intelligence in the service of Geospatial Technologies”. Vilnius, Lithuania.

Information-optimal Abstaining for Reliable Classification of Building Functions
Gabriel Dax and Martin Werner

Geotechnology-based Spatial Learning: The Effects on Spatial Abilities and Sketch Maps in an Inter-Cultural Study
Thomas Bartoschek and Angela Schwering

Understanding the Imperfection of 3D point Cloud and Semantic Segmentation algorithms for 3D Models of Indoor Environment
Guoray Cai and Yimu Pan

Optimizing Electric Vehicle Charging Schedules Based on Probabilistic Forecast of Individual Mobility
Haojun Cai, Yanan Xin, Henry Martin, and Martin Raubal

What are intersections for pedestrian users?
Jean-Marie Favreau and Jérémy Kalsron

Spatial Disaggregation of Population Subgroups Leveraging Self-Trained Multi-Output Gradient Boosting Regression Trees
Marina Georgati, João Monteiro, Bruno Martins, and Carsten Keßler

Exploratory Analysis and Feature Selection for the Prediction of Nitrogen Dioxide
Ditsuhi Iskandaryan, Silvana Di Sabatino, Francisco Ramos, and Sergio Trilles

Six GIScience Ideas That Must Die
Krzysztof Janowicz, Rui Zhu, Judith Verstegen, Grant McKenzie, Bruno Martins, and Ling Cai

Classifying pedestrian trajectories by Machine learning using laser sensor data
Hiroyuki Kaneko and Toshihiro Osaragi

Geoparsing: Solved or Biased? An Evaluation of Geographic Biases in Geoparsing
Zilong Liu, Krzysztof Janowicz, Ling Cai, Rui Zhu, Gengchen Mai, and Meilin Shi

Benchmarking Invasive Alien Species Image Recognition Models for a Citizen Science Based Spatial Distribution Monitoring
Tom Niers, Jan Stenkamp, Nick Pascal Jakuschona, Thomas Bartoschek, and Sven Schade

Machine Learning with Kay
Lasith Niroshan and James D. Carswell

"Landmark Route": A Comparison to the Shortest Route
Eva Nuhn, Franziska König, and Sabine Timpf

Experimental evaluation of using BLE beacon for outdoor positioning in GPS-denied environment
Yousef Qamaz, Angela Schwering, and Janina Bistron

Understanding COVID-19 Effects on Mobility: A Community-Engaged Approach
Arun Sharma, Majid Farhadloo, Yan Li, Jayant Gupta, Aditya Kulkarni, and Shashi Shekhar

The Impact of Built Environment on Bike Commuting: Utilising Strava Bike Data and Geographically Weighted Models
Hyesop Shin, Costanza Cagnina, and Anahid Basiri

GeoXTag: Relative Spatial Information Extraction and Tagging of Unstructured Text
Mehtab Alam Syed, Elena Arsevska, Mathieu Roche, and Maguelonne Teisseire

A method to produce metadata describing and assessing the quality of spatial landmark datasets in mountain area
Marie-Dominique Van Damme and Ana-Maria Olteanu-Raimond

Showcase of Active Learning and Teaching Practices in Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Education
Frederika Welle Donker, Bastiaan van Loenen, Carsten Keßler, Nathalie Küppers, Mark Panek, Ali Mansourian, Pengxiang Zhao, Glenn Vancauwenberghe, Hrvoje Tomić, and Karlo Kević

Unlocking social network analysis methods for studying human mobility
Nina Wiedemann, Henry Martin, and Martin Raubal

A machine learning based approach for predicting usage efficiency of shared e-scooters using vehicle availability data
Pengxiang Zhao, Aoyong Li, Petter Pilesjö, and Ali Mansourian

COVID-Forecast-Graph: An Open Knowledge Graph for Consolidating COVID-19 Forecasts and Economic Indicators via Place and Time
Rui Zhu, Krzysztof Janowicz, Gengchen Mai, Ling Cai, and Meilin Shi

Traffic Regulation Recognition using Crowd-Sensed GPS and Map Data: a Hybrid Approach
Stefania Zourlidou, Jens Golze, and Monika Sester

Short papers

Machine Learning with UAS LiDAR for Winter Wheat Biomass Estimations
AGILE GIScience Ser., 3, 23,, 2022

Lithuanian spatial information infrastructure: 20 years of evolution, milestones, costs and benefits
Giedrė Beconytė, Andrius Balčiūnas, and Inga Andriuškevičiūtė

Violent crime in Lithuania: trends and patterns in 2015–2020
Giedrė Beconytė, Kostas Gružas, and Michael Govorov

Modeling the Effect of Congestion Charge and Parking Pricing on Urban Traffic: Example of Jerusalem
Golan Ben-Dor, Aleksey Ogulenko, Ido Klein, and Itzhak Benenson

Modelling eye-level visibility of urban green space: Optimising city-wide point-based viewshed computations through prototyping
Sebastian T. Brinkmann, Dominik Kremer, and Blake Byron Walker

Corn planting quality assessment in very high-resolution RGB UAV imagery using Yolov5 and Python
Lucas Casuccio and André Kotze

Geospatial Blockchain: review of decentralized geospatial data sharing systems
Jesus Rodrigo Cedeno Jimenez, Pengxiang Zhao, Ali Mansourian, and Maria Antonia Brovelli

Handling the MAUP: methods for identifying appropriate scales of aggregation based on measures on spatial and non-spatial variance
Alexis Comber, Paul Harris, Kristina Bratkova, Hoang Huu Phe, Minh Kieu, Quang Thanh Bui, Thi Thuy Hang Nguyen, Eric Wanjau, and Nick Malleson

Spatially Varying Coefficient Regression with GAM Gaussian Process splines: GAM(e)-on
Alexis Comber, Paul Harris, and Chris Brunsdon

Representing Vector Geographic Information As a Tensor for Deep Learning Based Map Generalisation
Azelle Courtial, Guillaume Touya, and Xiang Zhang

Point Patterns of Historical Landmarks in the Valley of Mexico
Laura Elmer, Johannes Scholz, and Werner Stangl

A Geospatial Dashboard Prototype for Evaluating Spatial Datasets by using Semantic Data Concepts and Open Source Libraries
Heiko Figgemeier, Arne Rümmler, and Christin Henzen

Sonification of Spatial Data: An Online Audiovisual Cartographic Representation of Fire Incidents
Aikaterini Foteinou, Margarita Kokla, Eleni Tomai, and Marinos Kavouras

Assessing the Influences of Band Selection and Pretrained Weights on Semantic-Segmentation-Based Refugee Dwelling Extraction from Satellite Imagery
Yunya Gao, Getachew Workineh Gella, and Nianhua Liu

Enriching geospatial data with computer vision to identify urban environment determinants of social interactions
Francisco Garrido-Valenzuela, Sander van Cranenburgh, and Oded Cats

Enabling Collaborative Cybercartography with MapBlender
Marius Hogräfer, Jens Emil Grønbæk, Jana Puschmann, Sebastian Krog Knudsen, and Hans-Jörg Schulz

Classifying Urban Green Spaces using a combined Sentinel-2 and Random Forest approach
Irada Ismayilova and Sabine Timpf

Effects of traffic perturbations on bike sharing demand – a case study of public transport strikes and protests in Paris
Stefan S. Ivanovic and Ross Purves

CrossroadsDescriber – Automatic Textual Description of OpenStreetMap Intersections
Jérémy Kalsron, Jean-Marie Favreau, and Guillaume Touya

Applied open-source Discrete Global Grid Systems
Alexander Kmoch, Oleksandr Matsibora, Ivan Vasilyev, and Evelyn Uuemaa

Comparison of CNN-based segmentation models for forest type classification
Kevin Kocon, Michel Krämer, and Hendrik M. Würz

Mapping small watercourses with deep learning – impact of training watercourse types separately
Christian Koski, Pyry Kettunen, Justus Poutanen, and Juha Oksanen

Updating and using the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge for (AI) concept annotation
Rob Lemmens, Florian Albrecht, Stefan Lang, Sven Casteleyn, Martyna Stelmaszczuk-Górska, Marc Olijslagers, Mariana Belgiu, Carlos Granell, Ellen-Wien Augustijn, Carsten Pathe, Eva-Maria Missoni-Steinbacher, and Aida Monfort Muriach

Making Space a better Place: Just In Time Adaptive Interventions for Healthy Lifestyles
Arend Ligtenberg, Monique Simons, Marjolein Barhorst, and Laura Winkens

Detection of Wet Riparian Areas using Very High Resolution Multispectral UAS Imagery Based on a Feature-based Machine Learning Algorithm
Masoume Mahboubi, Elena Belcore, Emanuele Pontoglio, Francesca Matrone, and Andrea Lingua

Geospatial Analysis of Safe Delivery App Events Based on Geographically Weighted Regression Tool
Masoume Mahboubi, Astrid Grønbæk, Ana Fernandes, Casper Fibæk, and Paolo Dabove

The Intersection between GIScience and History: an Overview of an Emerging Scientific Field
Hannah Meyer and Johannes Scholz

New Generation of Geospatial Clearinghouse Networks
Morteza Omidipour, Ara Toomanian, and Najmeh Neysani Samany

The Effect of COVID-19 on the Origins of Florida State Park Visitors and Online Reviewers
Innocensia Owuor, Hartwig H. Hochmair, and Gernot Paulus

Geospatial technologies for an automated holistic risk assessment of UAS operations
Gernot Paulus, Dariia Strelnikova, Thomas Lutz, Karl-Heinrich Anders, Klaus Gäbler, Gerhard Lippitsch, Daniela Meier, and Stefan Eisenbach

Precision mapping through an RGB-Depth camera and deep learning
Georgios Petrakis and Panagiotis Partsinevelos

Flood modelling and proposed Blue-Green Solutions – A case study in Lisbon, Portugal
Alexandra Arnsteg, Juliane Glinski, Patricija Marijauskaite, Annika Nitschke, Marianne Olsson, Agnes Pierre, Lovisa Rosenquist Ohlsson, Sacha van der Vleuten, and Petter Pilesjö

When is a Ring Road a ’Ring Road’? A Brief Perceptual Study
Quentin Potié, William A. Mackaness, and Guillaume Touya

Off-Road Navigation Maps for Robotic Platforms using Convolutional Neural Networks
Raphael Prinz, Rizwan Bulbul, Joahnnes Scholz, Matthias Eder, and Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner

Optimization of Agricultural Fertilization Strategies based on Meteorological and Edaphic parameters: Analysis of Site-Specific Geoinformation to Support Decision Making
Hardy Pundt, Roksolana Pleshkanovska, Enrico Thiel, Thomas Kreuter, Florian Eißner, Denise Assmann, Falk Böttcher, and Michael Grunert

Evaluation of SRGAN Algorithm for Superresolution of Satellite Imagery on Different Sensors
Jaskaran Singh Puri and Andre Kotze

The use of high-resolution photogrammetry for the survey and analysis of rock-climbing walls
Stefan Ruess, Gernot Paulus, and Karl-Heinrich Anders

Modelling Inhomogeneous Geodata Quality in a Dataset’s Metadata
Arne Rümmler, Christin Henzen, and Heiko Figgemeier

Geodata source retrieval by multilingual/semantic query expansion: the Case of Google Translate and WordNet version 3.1
Maryam Sajjadian and Simon Scheider

A regionalization method filtering out small-scale spatial fluctuations
Lucas Spierenburg, Sander van Cranenburgh, and Oded Cats

Acceleration of Human Resource Development for the UAV data processing in Indonesia
Winhard Tampubolon, Wolfgang Reinhardt, and Franz-Josef Behr

Mapping a historic neighbourhood through user-generated content: the case of Alfama, Lisbon (Portugal)
Vicente Tang, Jaskaran Puri, and Marco Painho

Rule-Based Quality Assurance Tool for 3D Buildings
Alpo Turunen

Teaching geoinformatics: challenges and opportunities
Evelyn Uuemaa and Alexander Kmoch

ML-based water quality modeling at national level in a data-scarce region
Holger Virro, Alexander Kmoch, Marko Vainu, and Evelyn Uuemaa

Open source vector tile creation for spatial data infrastructure applications
Andreas Georg Wallner, Thomas Piechl, Gernot Paulus, and Karl-Heinrich Anders

An evacuation simulation model of pedestrian flow using Bayesian Nash equilibrium and a Multi-Agent System
Yiyu Wang, Jiaqi Ge, and Alexis Comber

Assemble geo-analytical questions through a Blockly-based natural language interface
Haiqi Xu, Enkhbold Nyamsuren, and Simon Scheider

A web-based application to support the interaction of spatial and semantic representation of knowledge
Dimitra Zacharopoulou, Margarita Kokla, Eleni Tomai, and Marinos Kavouras

Towards geospatial blockchain: A review of research on blockchain technology applied to geospatial data
Pengxiang Zhao, Jesus Rodrigo Cedeno Jimenez, Maria Antonia Brovelli, and Ali Mansourian


Geospatial Analysis of Safe Delivery App Events Based on Geographically Weighted Regression Tool.
Masoume Mahboubi, Astrid Grønbæk, Ana Fernandes, Casper Fibæk and Paolo Dabove.

High frequency land cover classification method for supporting global monitoring
Dainius Masiliūnas, Diego Marcos, Nandin-Erdene Tsendbazar, Martin Herold and Jan Verbesselt.

Precision mapping through an RGB-Depth camera and deep learning
Georgios Petrakis and Panagiotis Partsinevelos.

Rule-Based Quality Assurance Tool for 3D Buildings
Alpo Turunen.

Eye tracking and deep learning for user-adaptive map content
Mikko Rönneberg, Merve Keskin and Pyry Kettunen.

Mapping small watercourses with deep learning – impact of training watercourse types separately
Christian Koski, Pyry Kettunen, Justus Poutanen and Juha Oksanen.

SandMap: An interactive haptic interface for the education of GIS.
Aikaterini Papatheodorou, Achilles Tripolitsiotis, Zisis Charokopos, Vlassios Kouris, Dimitris Dandoulakis and Panagiotis Partsinevelos.

Violent crime in Lithuania: trends and changes in a year of pandemic
Giedrė Beconytė, Kostas Gružas and Michael Govorov.

A geospatial dashboard prototype for evaluating spatial datasets by using semantic data concepts and open source libraries
Heiko Figgemeier, Arne Rümmler and Christin Henzen.

Assemble geo-analytical questions through a Blockly-based natural language interface
Haiqi Xu, Enkhbold Nyamsuren and Simon Scheider.