Initiative - Body of Knowledge 2

The Body of Knowledge (BoK) was published by UCGIS (the sister organization of AGILE) in the US in 2006. It consists of a Model Curricula. The Model Curricula is a vision of how higher education should prepare students for success in the variety of professions that rely upon geospatial technologies. The BoK specifies what aspiring geospatial professionals need to know and be able to do. The BoK is intended to serve as a reference work for curriculum planners working at all levels of higher and continuing education. The BoK starts from the premise that Model Curricula consist of a number of knowledge areas which can be organised in logical units which are in turn divided in topics. Each topic is defined in terms of formal educational objectives from which activities and assessment instruments can readily be derived. Currently a new version is being prepared (BoK 2) including an online repository to support curriculum development. AGILE follows the developments and is involved in the discussions with the US counterparts and with sister organisations that also expressed their interest (e.g. ISPRS). Ideally, a European funded project could lead to the elaboration of a European version of the BoK 2.

Council: Bénédicte bucher, Lead: Wolfgang Reinhardt, Member 1: Universität der Bundeswehr München, Other Members: Utrecht, Lisboa, KU Leuven