Workshops 2013

For any information with respect to the workshops, please contact Thérèse Steenberghen:


1. Analysing spatio-temporal data with R

Edzer Pebesma, University of Muenster 


2. Web Cartography for National SDIs

Organised by Barend Köbben (ITC - University of Twente), Lars Harrie (Lund University). More information on Theme, Submissions, etcetera, on the Workshop Website:


3. Analysing eye-tracking data in real, virtual and mixed environments

Thérèse Steenberghen, KU Leuven, Peter Kiefer, ETH


4. Integrating 4D, GIS and Cultural Heritage

Prof. Dr. Philippe De Maeyer, CartoGIS cluster, Ghent University, Prof. Dr. Roland Billen, University of Liege, Eric Desjardin, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Berdien De Roo, Ghent University


5. 3D urban modelling with Esri City Engine

Michael Gould, ESRI, Joaquin Huerta, Univ Jaume I, Gert van Maren, City Engine product manager at Esri Development Center Zurich 


6. Action and Interaction in Volunteered Geographic Information (ACTIVITY)

Dr. Peter Mooney, NUI Maynooth,Ireland, Prof. Alexander Zipf, University of Heidelberg, Prof. Georg Gartner, Technical University of Vienna, Dr. Karl Rehrl, Salzburg Research, Prof. Hartwig Hochmair, University of Florida, Dr. Padraig Corcoran, University College Dublin, Dr.MarcusGoetz, University of Heidelberg


7. Understanding Urban Cycling: A data challenge (CDC2013)

Nico Van de Weghe, Ghent University, Seraphim Alvanides, Northumbria University, Stefan van der Spek, TU Delft, Godwin Yeboah, Northumbria University


8. The Data Complexity Challenge – New Approaches to Data Harmonisation

Dr. Eva Klien, Fraunhofer IGD, Thorsten Reitz, ESRI, Dominique Laurent, IGN France, Just van den Broecke, JustObjects, Andreas Donaubauer, TU München, Simon Templer, ZGDV

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