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Tuesday 13 June 2023 Workshops |
Venue: TU Delft, Sports and Culture centre: X, Mekelweg 8-10, Delft (Building 38) |
08:30 |
Registration |
Foyer | ||||||||||||||||
09:00 |
WS1 |
How can GI science advance the value of city-level and nationwide Digital Twins? Organised by EuroSDR |
Body & Mind | ||||||||||||||||
WS2 |
Urban places and regions in GIScience – concepts, methods and challenges. Organised by UNL |
Rhythm A | |||||||||||||||||
WS3 |
Introduction to the Land Administration Domain Model, ISO 19152. Organised by TU Delft |
WS4 |
GeoAI with ArcGIS. Organised Esri |
Rhythm B | |||||||||||||||||
WS5 |
Women in Copernicus – Equity in Copernicus ecosystem survey results. Organised by WiC |
Dance A | |||||||||||||||||
12:30 |
Lunch |
Foyer | |||||||||||||||||
13:30 |
WS6 |
Geospatial Education 5.0: New Paradigms for Geospatial Training and Education. Organised by Bochum University of Applied Science, Twente University, TU Delft |
Body & Mind | ||||||||||||||||
WS7 |
An Ethics Manifesto: Designing principles for geo-information initiatives. Organised by TU Delft |
WS8 |
25th ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation. Organised by ICA. |
Rhythm A | |||||||||||||||||
WS9 |
Mapping with EuroRegionalMap Open Data and QGIS. Organised by Twente University. |
WS10 |
Digital Serious Games: Toward a Design Framework. Organised by TU Eindhoven |
Rhythm B | |||||||||||||||||
17:00 |
End |
18:00-20:00 |
Ice breaker @ Vakwerkhuis (sponsored by ESRI), Address: Professor Snijdersstraat 2, 2628 RA Delft |
Wednesday 14 June 2023 Conference day 1 |
Venue: TU Delft, Sports and Culture centre: X, Mekelweg 8-10, Delft (Building 38) | ||||||||||||||||||
08:30 |
Registration |
Foyer |
09:00 |
S1: plenary opening (moderator: Bastiaan van Loenen) |
Theatre hall |
09:00 |
Opening by prof. Dick van Gameren |
09:05 |
Keynote by prof. Jörg Blankenbach, Scan2BIM - From reality capturing to as-is BIM and digital twins of the built environment |
10:05 |
Poster pitches |
10:30 |
Break |
Foyer | |||||||||||||
11:00 |
S2a, Accessibility & trips |
Moderator: Edward Verbree | Theatre Hall | ||||||||||||||||
Eva Nuhn, Kai Hamburger and Sabine Timpf, Urban sound mapping for wayfinding - A theoretical approach and an empirical study (ppt) |
Molly Asher, Yannick Oswald, and Nick Malleson, Predicting Pedestrian Counts using Machine Learning (ppt) |
Hoda Allahbakhshi, Joris Senn, Nicola Maiani and Alexandra Georgescu, Spatial Accessibility Assessment of Homecare Workers to the Older Population in the City of Zurich (ppt) |
Nir Fulman, Maria Marinov, and Itzhak Benenson, Exploring Non-Routine Trips Through Smartcard Transaction Analysis Exploring Non-Routine Trips Through Smartcard Transaction Analysis Exploring Non-Routine Trips Through Smartcard Transaction Analysis (ppt) |
11:00 |
S2b, Health |
Moderator: Justine Blanford | Rhythm A & Rhythm B | ||||||||||||||||
Falko Krügel and Stephan Mäs, A Web-Application for Measuring Spatial Accessibility in Health Planning (ppt) |
Nils B. Tjaden and Justine I. Blanford, ENDIG: Interactive Geovisualization of Surveillance Systems for Notifiable Diseases in Europe (ppt) |
Néstor DelaPaz-Ruíz, Ellen-Wien Augustijn, Mahdi Farnaghi, and Raul Zurita-Milla, Spatiotemporal domestic wastewater variability: Assessing implications of population mobility in pollutants dynamics (ppt) |
Lorenzo Gianquintieri, Daniele Oxoli, Enrico Gianluca Caiani and Maria Antonia Brovelli, Land use influence on ambient PM2.5 and ammonia concentrations: Correlation analyses in the Lombardy region, Italy (ppt) |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Foyer | |||||||||||||||||
13:30 |
S3a, Mobility modelling |
Moderator: Carlos Granell | Theatre Hall | ||||||||||||||||
Reza Arabsheibani, Ehsan Hamzei, Kimia Amoozandeh, Stephan Winter and Martin Tomko, From Floorplan to Navigation Concepts: Automatic Generation of Text-based Games (ppt) |
Yiyu Wang, Jiaqi Ge, and Alexis Comber, A pedestrian ABM in complex evacuation environments based on Bayesian Nash Equilibrium (ppt) |
Qilin Ren, Pengxiang Zhao and Ali Mansourian, Modeling the choice of shared micro-mobility services using XGBoost machine learning algorithm (ppt) |
Dana Kaziyeva, Petra Stutz, Gudrun Wallentin, Martin Loidl, Agent-based simulation model of cyclists and pedestrians at a regional scale (ppt) |
13:30 |
S3b, Visualization&map reading |
Moderator: Rob Weibel | Rhythm A & Rhythm B | ||||||||||||||||
Angela Schwering, Jakub Krukar, Jana Seep and Yousef Qamaz, Individualization in Spatial Behaviour and Map Reading (ppt) |
Suzan Evers, Gamze Z. Dane, Pauline E. W. van den Berg, Alexander K. A. J. Klippel, Timon Verduijn, Theo A. Arentze, Designing healthy public spaces: A participatory approach through immersive virtual reality (ppt) |
Simon Schröder, Jan Stenkamp, Michael Brüggemann, Benjamin Karic, Judith A. Verstegen, and Christian Kray, Towards dynamically generating immersive video scenes for studying human-environment interactions (ppt) |
Laura Wenclik and Guillaume Touya, Where do people look at during multi-scale map tasks? (ppt) |
15:00 |
Break |
Foyer | |||||||||||||||||
15:30 |
S4a, Geo-info theory |
Moderator: Simon Scheider | Theatre Hall | |||||||||||||||
Eleni Tomai, Margarita Kokla, Christos Charcharos and Marinos Kavouras, Does spatial thinking ability relate to performance when using web-mapping services? A survey with digital natives (ppt) |
Franz-Benjamin Mocnik, Data and Coherence Theories of Truth – Examples From a Data-Driven Geographical Information Science (ppt) |
Meilin Shi, Kitty Currier, Zilong Liu, Krzysztof Janowicz, Nina Wiedemann, Judith Verstegen, Grant McKenzie, Anita Graser, Rui Zhu, and Gengchen Mai, Thinking Geographically about AI Sustainability (ppt) |
René Westerholt, Studying critical values for global Moran’s I under inhomogeneous Poisson point processes (ppt) |
15:30 |
S4b, Map creation&use |
Moderator: Martijn Meijers | Rhythm A & Rhythm B | ||||||||||||||||
Adrian Sarbach, Thierry Weber, Katharina Henggeler, Luis Lutnyk and Martin Raubal, Evaluating and Comparing Airspace Structure Visualisation and Perception on Digital Aeronautical Charts (ppt) |
Yuhao Jiang, María-Jesús Lobo, Sidonie Christophe, and Christophe Jouffrais, Semi-automated Pipeline to Produce Customizable Tactile Maps of Street Intersections for People with Visual Impairments (ppt) |
Phil Hüffer, Auriol Degbelo, and Eftychia Koukouraki, Designing Search Engines for Interactive Web-based Geovisualizations (ppt) |
Arne Vogt, Johannes Flacke, Karin Pfeffer, Fenna Imara Hoefsloot, Jane Strugar Kolesnik and Johannes Schnell, Development of an inclusive Mapping Application in a Co-Design Process (ppt) |
17:00 |
End |
17:30/18:00 |
Social events |
18:00-19:30 |
City of Delft Tour |
17:30-19:00 | |||||||||||||||||||
17:30-19:00 |
TU Delft Library Mapping Archive |
Thursday 15 June 2023 Conference day 2 |
Venue: TU Delft, Sports and Culture centre: X, Mekelweg 8-10, Delft (Building 38) | ||||||||||||||||||
09:00 |
S5: plenary (moderator: Peter van Oosterom) |
Theatre hall |
Keynote by prof. Chrit Lemmen and Dr. Eva-Maria Unger, Global developments in land administration |
10:00 |
Break |
Foyer | |||||||||||||||||
10:30 |
S6: tutorials: Tutorial descriptions |
S6a, tutorial T1 Geosimulation using fields and agents, Organised by Utrecht University |
Theatre Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
S6b, tutorial T2 The Open Source Spatial Analytical tools with python, Organised by University of Glasgow |
Body & Mind | ||||||||||||||||||
S6c, tutorial T3 Knowledge Footprints - Knowledge mapping of people and publications, Organised by Twente University |
Photo Studio | ||||||||||||||||||
12:00 |
Lunch |
Foyer | |||||||||||||||||
12:45 |
S7: plenary AGILE Annual Assembly (Moderation: Sabine Timpf/Rob Lemmens) |
Theatre hall | |||||||||||||||||
13:45 |
S8a, Remote sensing |
Moderator: Jing Yao | Photo Studio | ||||||||||||||||
Raphael Zürcher, Jiayan Zhao, Alvaro Lau Sarmiento, Benjamin Brede and Alexander Klippel, Advancing Forest Monitoring and Assessment Through Immersive Virtual Reality (ppt) |
Nikita Murin, Alexander Kmoch and Evelyn Uuemaa, Detection of small-scale landscape elements with remote sensing (ppt) |
Renato Stopic, Eduardo Dias, Maurice de Kleijn and Eric Koomen, Satellite parking: a new method for measuring parking occupancy (ppt) |
Hendrik M. Würz, Kevin Kocon, Barbara Pedretscher, Eva Klien, and Eva Eggeling, A Scalable AI Training Platform for Remote Sensing Data (ppt) |
13:45 |
S8b, Disaster mapping |
Moderator: Carsten Keßler | Body & Mind | ||||||||||||||||
Simon Groß, Benjamin Herfort, Sabrina Marx and Alexander Zipf, Exploring MapSwipe as a Crowdsourcing Tool for (Rapid) Damage Assessment: The Case of the 2021 Haiti Earthquake (ppt) |
Carolina Pereira Marghidan, Maarten van Aalst, Justine Blanford, Genito Maure, and Tatiana Marrufo, Extreme heat alerts and impacts across Mozambique 2016 - 2022: gathering evidence from media articles (ppt) |
Caroline K. Kioko and Justine I. Blanford, Malaria in Kenya during 2020: malaria indicator survey and suitability mapping for understanding spatial variations in prevalence and risk (ppt) |
13:45 |
S8c, COVID-19 |
Moderator: Juha Oksanen | Theatre hall | ||||||||||||||||
Innocensia Owuor and Hartwig H. Hochmair, Use of SafeGraph visitation patterns for the identification of essential services during COVID-19 (ppt) |
Adel Al-Huraibi, Sherif Amer, and Justine I. Blanford, Cycling to get my vaccination: how accessible are COVID-19 vaccination centers in the Netherlands? (ppt) |
Niloufar Pourshir Sefidi, Amin Shoari Nejad, and Peter Mooney, An investigation of the effects of lockdowns and COVID-19 vaccinations in Ireland (ppt) |
Ellen-Wien Augustijn, Rosa Aguilar Bolivar, and Shaheen Abdulkareem, Using Machine Learning to drive social learning in a Covid-19 Agent-Based Model (ppt) |
15:15 |
Break |
Foyer | |||||||||
15:30 |
S9a, Spatial analysis |
Moderator: Evelyn Uuemaa |
Theatre Hall | ||||||||||||||||
Raphaël Bres, Verónika Peralta, Arnaud Le-Guilcher, Thomas Devogele, Ana-Maria Olteanu Raimond and Cyril de Runz, Analysis of cycling network evolution in OpenStreetMap through a data quality prism (ppt) |
Anna Brauer, Ville Mäkinen, and Juha Oksane, Human mobility tracks as FAIR data: Designing a privacy-preserving repository for GNSS-based activity tracking data (ppt) |
Flavia Lopes, Jorge Gil, and Ioanna Stavroulaki, Simplified geodata models for integrated urban and public transport planning (ppt) |
Denis Reiter, Mathias Jehling, and Robert Hecht, Benefits of using address-based dasymetric mapping in micro-level census disaggregation (ppt) |
15:30 |
S9b, Geo-sensors and VGI |
Moderator: Raul Zurita-Milla | Photo Studio | ||||||||||||||||
Vasileios Milias, Shahin Sharifi Noorian, Alessandro Bozzon and Achilleas Psyllidis, Is it safe to be attractive? Disentangling the influence of streetscape features on the perceived safety and attractiveness of city streets (ppt) |
Tahmin Sitab, Oleksandr Karasov, and Alexander Kmoch, Exploring Estonian Forests and Urban Green Spaces: A Cultural Ecosystem Services Mapping Approach Using Flickr Photographs (ppt) |
Per-Ola Olsson, Hugo Bergman, and Karl Piltz, Exploring the potential to use in-between pixel variability for early detection of bark beetle attacked trees (ppt) |
Robert L. Voûte, Hessel Prins, and Bart-Peter Smit, Comparison of low-cost techniques for digital cultural heritage preservation of an original Egyptian temple (ppt) |
15:30 |
S9c, Geo-education |
Moderator: Ali Mansourian | Body & Mind | ||||||||||||||||
Bastiaan van Loenen, Hendrik Ploeger, Noor van Everdingen, Kristian Cuervo, Jessica Monahan, Julia Pille and Carmel Verhaeghe, Active teaching and learning in GI sciences: lessons learned from the BSc. course Open Urban Data Governance (ppt) |
Nick Bearman, Rongbo Xu, Patrick J. Roddy, James D. Gaboardi, Qunshan Zhao, Huanfa Chen, and Levi Wolf, Developing capacitated p-median location-allocation model in the spopt library to allow UCL student teacher placements using public transport (ppt) |
Sibe van den Beukel, Edward Verbree, Peter van Oosterom, Visualizing of the below-ground water network infrastructure (ppt) |
17:00 |
Poster vote deadline |
17:00 |
Drinks and Conference dinner |
X: restaurant, terrasse | |||||||||||||||||
Friday 16 June 2023 Conference day 3 |
Venue: Berlage I and II, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Julianalaan 134, Delft (Building 8) |
09:00 |
S10: Best Short Papers |
Moderator: Rob Lemmens | |||||||||||||||||
Nan Cui, Nick Malleson, Vikki Houlden and Alexis Comber, The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dynamics of topics in urban green space (ppt) |
Apeksha Tare, Merten Nefs, Eric Koomen and Erik Verhoef, Mapping Logistics Development in the Netherlands (ppt) |
Irada Ismayilova and Sabine Timpf, Semantic Identification of Urban Green Spaces: Forest (ppt) |
10:15 |
Break |
10:35 |
S11 (Fred Toppen session): Best Full Papers (Esri award) + Best Poster award (Moderator: Sabine Timpf) |
Paul Mattes, Rico Richter and Jürgen Döllner, Detecting Road Damages in Mobile Mapping Point Clouds using Competitive Reconstruction Networks (ppt) |
Enkhbold Nyamsuren, Haiqi Xu, Eric J. Top, Simon Scheider and Niels Steenbergen, Semantic complexity of geographic questions - A comparison in terms of conceptual transformations of answers (ppt) |
Ioannis Dardavesis, Edward Verbree and Azarakhsh Rafiee, Indoor localisation and location tracking in indoor facilities based on LiDAR point clouds and images of the ceilings (ppt) |
Award ceremony |
12:15 |
S12 Closing |
Moderator: Bastiaan van Loenen | |||||||||||||||||
AGILE 2024 announcement |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
End |
All papers are published in P. van Oosterom, H. Ploeger, A. Mansourian, S. Scheider, R. Lemmens, and B. van Loenen (2023). 26th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science “Spatial data for design”. AGILE: GIScience Series, Volume 4, 2023
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