Proceedings 2004

The 7th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science

This page contains the short papers and poster abstracts of the AGILE 2004 conference in Heraklion, Crete. All submissions were peer-reviewed.

The short papers and the poster abstracts are listed separately. The short papers are located according to the AGILE 2004 conference sessions.


Conference Proceedings

Assessing the Impacts of Spatial Data Infrastructures: Methods and Gaps
M. Craglia & A. Johnston

Harmonized Access to Heterogeneous Content: Towards a European SDI
A. Kap, B. van Loenen & M. de Vries

Towards the Implementation of the European Spatial Data Infrastructure. Getting the Process Right
L. Bernard, A. Annoni, Y. Kanellopoulos & P. Smits

From the GIS to the SDI: a Design Path
M. Salvemini

Quo Vadis Sdi?
A. Wytzisk & A. Sliwinski

Integrating Knowledge Bases into SDI’s
I. Simonis

Enhancing Spatial Data Infrastructures by Semantic Web Technologies
T. Vögele & R. Spittel

Realization of Component-Based GIS Application Framework
L. Stoimenov, A. Stanimirović & S. Djordjević-Kajan

Incremental Composition of Geographic Web Services: an Emergency Management Context
C. Granell, J. Poveda & M. Gould

Integration of Human Services into Technical GI Service Chains
C. Brox & K. Janowicz

A Prototype Cross-Border GML Data Service
L. Lehto, T. Sarjakoski, A. Hvas, P. Hollander, R. Ruotsalainen & A. Illert

A Controlled Access to Spatial Data on Web
E. Bertino & M. L. Damiani

Automatic Metadata Extraction from Geographic Information
M. A. Manso, J.Nogueras-Iso, M. A. Bernabé & F. J. Zarazaga-Soria

National Spatial Information Models
J. Bulens

An Information Model for Strategic Spatial Policy Documents
H. Ottens

GIS Implementation at the German Regional Public Administration Level
V. Emmel & H. Mueller

An Interdisciplinary SDSS for Planning and Controlling in River Management -FLUMAGIS
J. Moeltgen, G. Schmidt, O. Gretzschel, M. May, R. Borchert, C. Bohn, J. Hirschfeld & R. Poepperl

ANFAS: a Decision Support System for Simulating River Floods
P. Prastacos & V. Prinet

Towards a Generic GIS for Dike Management in Flood Plain Areas: from Conceptual Design to Real Applications
P. Maurel, D. Serre, R. Tourment

Preliminary Earthquake Risk Management Strategy Plan of Eskisehir, Turkey by Using GIS
M. Altan, F. Özturk & C. Ayday

Moving Digital Earth for Disasters Management
Valeriy Klenov

Strategy to Reduce Subjectivity in Landslide Susceptibility Zonation by GIS in Complex Mountainous Environments
Y. Thiery, S. Sterlacchini, J.-P. Malet, A. Puissant, A. Remaître, O. Maquaire

Monitoring Coastal Erosion Natural Resilience by Indexing Coastal Dunes State
E. Valpreda, S. Gragnaniello & M. Rotunno

Comparison of CPT Based Liquefaction Potential and Shear Wave Velocity Maps by Using 3-Dimensional GIS
M. Tün, U. Avdan, M. Altan & C. Ayday

Calibration and Validation of a Proposed Informal Settlement Growth Model
R. Sietchiping

Transition Rules for Modelling Land-Use Change
M. Hagoort & S. Geertman

3D-GIS and Urban Volume: Applying the Third Dimension in a Morphological Study of the Amsterdam Urban Landscape
E. Koomen, R. Kaufholz, P. Rietveld & H. Scholten

Bivariate Traffic Relations: a Space-Time Modelling Approach
Y. Kamarianakis, D. Kotzinos & P. Prastacos

Modelling Perceived Accessibility to Urban Amenities Using Fuzzy Logic, Transportation GIS and Origin-Destination Surveys
M. Thériault & F. Des Rosiers

Formal Encoding of a Multi-Modal Trip with the Use of Public Transport- A Passenger’s Perspective
E. Pontikakis

Training Offers in Geographic Information. Methodological References as Preliminary Requisite in a Quality-Control Approach
P. Bazile

Problem Based Learning in Geoinformation: Approach, Examples, Experience
A. Car

Elements of a Computational Theory of Location
W. Kuhn

Tales of The River Bank, First Thoughts in the Development of A Topographic Ontology
G. Hart, S. Temple & H. Mizen

An Architecture for Ontology-Based Discovery and Retrieval of Geographic Information
E. Klien, U. Einspanier, M. Lutz & S. Hübner

“Where the City Sits?” Revealing Geospatial Semantics in Text Descriptions
E. Tomai & M. Kavouras

Ontology-Driven Wrappers for Navigation Services
D. Redbrake & M. Raubal

Giving Meaning to GI Web Service Descriptions
F. Probst, M. Lutz

A Case Study for Semantic Translation of the Water Framework Directive and a Topological Database
A. Schwering & G. Hart

Geographic Knowledge Representation Using Conceptual Graphs
A. Karalopoulos, M. Kokla, M. Kavouras

Link Between the Whole and its Parts in UML Representations of Spatial Aggregations: an Application in the Context of Geographic Databases
F. Pinet, M.-A. Kang & H. Jaudoin

Dynamic Aggregation on Grids for Interactive Analysis of Multidimensional Spatial Information
G. Andrienko, N. Andrienko, & I. Denisovich

A Visualization of a Hierarchical Structure in Geographic Metadata
U. Demšar

Representing Semantic Similarity of Socioeconomic Units with Cartographic Spatialization Metaphors
A. Darra, M. Kavouras, E. Tomai

A VRML Terrain Visualization Approach
A. Triantafyllos,  D. Anagnostopoulos, C. Chalkias

Annotation of Features in Outdoor Augmented Reality Environments
M. Rubio, R. Quirós, E. Pulido, G. Fabregat & J. Huerta

Structuring, Indexing, Querying and Visualizing Moving Objects in A DBMS
M. Baars, P. van Oosterom, E. Verbree & B. Gorte

Real-Time Spatiotemporal Data Indexing Structure
G. Noël, S. Servigne & R. Laurini

Management of Multiple Representations in Spatial DBMSs
S. Zlatanova, J. E. Stoter & W. Quak

A General Proof of the Multidimensional Binary Indexing Algorithm for Neighbourhood Calculations in Spatial Partition Trees
J. Poveda & M. Gould

How to Design Geographic Databases? Specific UML Profile and Spatial OCL Applied to Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
M.-A. Kang, F. Pinet, M. Schneider, J.-P. Chanet & F. Vigier

The Self-Organizing Map and it’s Variants as Tools for Geodemographical Data Analysis: the Case of Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area
V. Lobo, F. Bação, M. Painho

Modelling Urban Dynamics with Cellular Automata: A Model of the City of Heraklion
I. Blecic, A. Cecchini, P. Prastacos, G. A. Trunfio & E. Verigos

AI-Based Geo-Webservices for Data Consistency Check: Experiences within the EU Project GIMMI
P. Di Donato

Fuzzy Modelling in GIS Environment to Support Sustainable Land Use Planning
V. Badenko & D. Kurtener

The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing for Landscape Character Mapping: a Pilot Study from Sardinia
I. N. Vogiatzakis, A. Marini, M. B. Careddu, M. T. Melis & G. H. Griffiths

Application of the DPSIR Model to the Sado Estuary in a GIS Context - Social and Economical Pressures
S. Caeiro, I. Mourão, M. H. Costa, M. Painho, T. B. Ramos & S. Sousa

Urban Mobility of Elder People. GPS and GIS for Collecting and Analysing Space-Time Information on Mobility
M. Boffi, M. d’Ovidio, C. Tornaghi & E. Natoli

Assessment of Social Vulnerability Using Geographic Information Systems: Pendik, Istanbul Case Study
Z. Haki,  Z. Akyürek, Ş. Düzgün

Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis and Spatial Econometric Modelling for the Study of Regional Productivity Differentials in European Union, From 1975 To 2000
Y. Kamarianakis & J. Le Gallo

The Use of Airborne LiDAR and Aerial Photography in the Estimation of Individual Tree Heights in Forestry
J. C. Suárez, C. Ontiveros, S. Smith, S. Snape

Per-Parcel Classification of Ikonos Imagery
J. Wijnant & T. Steenberghen

Multi-Stage Processing of Time Series Aerospace Images for Obtaining Enhanced Forecast Land Cover Maps
A. V. Zamyatin & N. G. Markov

Automated Image-Based Verification of Road Databases
M. Gerke, Ch. Heipke, A. Busch

A Time-Travel Tool for Monitoring Environmental Phenomena by Remote Sensing Techniques
G. Bordogna, P. Carrara, A. Rampini, S. Spaccapietra

GIS Based Estimation and Mapping of Local Level Daily Irradiation on Inclined Surfaces
N. Chrysoulakis, M. Diamandakis,P. Prastacos

Requirements for an Efficient Value Pricing of Geographic Information
A. Krek

Toward Perceived Value-Based Pricing of Geographic Information Services
A. Sliwinski

Dual Kernel Density Estimation as a Method for Describing Spatio-Temporal Changes in the Upper Austrian Food Retailing Market
E. M. Jansenberger, P. Staufer-Steinnocher

Prospective Research in the Technological and Mobile Society: New Demand Responsive Transports for New Territories to Serve
E. Castex, S. Houzet, D. Josselin

How to Increase Usability of Spatial Data by Finding a Link Between User and Data
M. Jahn & A. U. Frank

Design Considerations for Participatory GIS
P. Jankowski

Towards Usable Topological Operators at GIS User Interfaces
C. Riedemann

Digital Geographical Data: Potential Evaluation
V. Talhofer

Usage of Spatial Data Stores for Geo-Services
M. Breunig, W. Bär & A. Thomsen

Decision Support for Bicycle Route Planning in Urban Environments
H. Hochmair

Building a Spatial Microsimulation Decision Support System
D. Ballas, R. Kingston, J. Stillwell, J. Jin

Evaluation of a GIS-Based Design Tool to Support Decision Making Within Collaborative Spatial
W. Vullings, A. Ligtenberg, J. Bulens

Enhancing Intelligent Buildings’ Performances Throughout a GIS Central Control
V. Agnolotti, C. Giger



An Incremental Geographic Update System (IGUS) for a Large Geographic Database in New York City
J. Ding, S. Ahearn & E. Cooper

A Methodological Approach to the Development of Applications in a SDI Environment
P. Carrara, L. Fortunati, G. Fresta, M. Gomarasca, L. Piazza Bonati, D. Poggioli

An Interoperable Geodata Infrastructure for Precision Agriculture
P. Korduan, R. Bill, S. Bölling

Unifying Databases: Experiments with a Hydrographic Database
S. Mustière, A. Cleach, J. Fort

GIS, Visualization and Spatial Analysis for Major Hazards in Europe
R. Peckham

Rule-Based or Explicit Storage of Topology Structure: a Comparison Case Study
M. Baars, J. Stoter, P. van Oosterom, E. Verbree

Measurement-Based GIS Revisited
G. Navratil, M. Franz & E. Pontikakis

Geo Web Services: an NSDI-Embedded Approach
C. Najar, C. Giger, F. Golay, C. Moreni & M. Riedo

Towards Competencies for the Msc Curriculum Geo-Information Science
F. I. Rip, G. F. Epema

Geodata - are they Accessible and Useful?
M. Čeh, D. Smole, T. Podobnikar

ACE GIS Project Overview: Adaptable and Composable E-commerce and Geographic Information Services
J. Poveda, M. Gould, C. Granell

The Use of Fuzzy Evaluation in a G.I.S. Approach to the Land Suitability
G. Las Casas, B. Murgante

Interoperable Services for Web-Based Spatial Decision Support
N. Ostländer

Semantic Transformation by Means of Conceptual Modelling Techniques
A. Morf, P. Staub

Use of a Web-Based GIS for Real-Time Traffic Information Fusion and Presentation over the Internet
D. Kotzinos, P. Prastacos

I-Flora, Interactive, Location Based Determination of Flowers in De Dutch Landscape
A. Ligtenberg, J. Wang, W. Vullings, J. Bulens

Web Mapping and XML Technologies “A Close Relationship”
M. Spanaki, B. Antoniou, L. Tsoulos

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