Workshops 2019

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Below is a description of all the workshops, which will take place in this year's conference. Some of the workshops have their own websites, where you can find more information. In any other case, you can contact the person responsible for its organization (their name is linked to their email address). Note that more workshops are expected to be announced soon so please make sure to check the page frequently.

Registration for the workshops is done through the registration page for the AGILE 2019 conference (also if only the workshops are attended and not the main conference). The fee includes a lunch. Registrations are now open here.

You can register for 1 full day workshop or 1-2 half day workshops (morning + afternoon). The fee is the same for all of the provided options. 

The workshops are either half day (morning, roughly 9.30-12.30 or afternoon roughly 13.30-17.00) or full day (roughly 9.30-17.00). Time for a lunch break is fixed to 12.30-13.30, but the morning start time and afternoon end time may vary slightly. Please check the workshop website or contact the organizers for further details.

Half Day Workshops

Title: "Towards Open Spatial Data Infrastructures"


In the search for the ideal spatial data infrastructure a common ground has been established for the development of open spatial data infrastructures. Starting from confidential, highly restricted data with use limited to particular public sector users, SDIs across Europe have developed towards a wider focus, civil society oriented infrastructure enabling a multitude of users to access, share, use and re-use datasets and services from a wide variety of domains both nationally and internationally. Especially in recent years, several countries and public administrations started to make a shift towards the establishment of an open spatial data infrastructures (SDIs), in which also businesses, citizens and non-governmental actors were considered as key stake-holders of the infrastructure. The concept of Open SDI is gaining importance since European Commission, European Parliament and European Council have reached an agreement on a revised directive that will facilitate the availability and re-use of public sector data. The new directive on Open Data and Public Sector Information will rule that all public sector content that can be accessed under national access to documents rules is in principle freely available for re-use. In addition, high-value datasets such as geospatial data will have to be made available as open data via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

In this workshop, the concept of Open SDI is introduced to describe characterize the development and implementation of more open spatial data infrastructures. During the workshop the ‘Map of Open SDI in Europe’ will be presented, showing the results of three years of exploration of the openness of NSDI implementation in Europe. This ‘Map of Open SDI in Europe’ is developed to provide SDI decision makers, practitioners and researchers with a more comprehensive understanding of the openness of spatial data infrastructures in Europe. During the workshop, several brainstorm sessions will be organized on each of the key dimensions of Open SDIs. The aim of these brainstorm sessions is to develop the concept of Open SDI further especially in the context of the new EU Directive on Open Data and Public Sector Information and its impact on the openness of SDIs across Europe.


Bastiaan van Loenen, Delft University of Technology

Ulrike Klein, Bochum University of Applied Sciences

Ali Mansourian, Lund University

Drazen Tutic, University of Zagreb

Full Day Workshops

Title: "Innovative Tools for Geographic Information & Earth Observation Curricula Modernization"



The fast progress and changes in Geographic Information Science and Technology require revisiting current curricula offered for teaching and studying particular courses and subjects. The workshop will present innovative tools for developing, updating and consistency checking of the existing and new curricula for university and vocational training purposes. The participants will receive basic information about the tools and will be able to test them during a hands-on session using their own laptops. This supporting tools for curricula design and development will leverage the skills of university staff involved in teaching. During the workshop they will be asked to express their critical comments on the functionality and handling ease of the tools. 

The second component of the workshop will focus on the contents of the Body of Knowledge (BoK) on Geographic Information Science and the Earth Observation, being developed in the framework of the EO4GEO project ( which is a Sector Skills Alliance supporting the user-uptake of the Copernicus Programme. The participants will receive introductory information about the structure and ontology-approach of the BoK and the components already developed. During breakout sessions, they will discuss the proposed concept, and the general findings and solutions. All collected critical comments will be further presented in the wrap-up session. All interested participants will be invited to the network of experts reviewing the knowledge areas.


Danny Vandenbroucke, KU Leuven

Marek Baranowski, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography

Rob Lemmens, University of Twente - ITC

Title: "VGI HATcH:  Using Volunteered Geographic Information for Help and Assistance in Transport and Humanitarian operations"



The number of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms is continuously growing, providing massive datasets of georeferenced content that are either actively contributed (e.g. adding data to OSM, Flickr) or collected through more passive modes (e.g. enabling geolocation in Twitter feeds). VGI and social media data, due to their excessive spatial and temporal coverage provide the data basis to analyze, detect, and help with the management of a multitude of challenging large-scale events, reaching from natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or wildfires, over political crises, wars, and refugee streams, to health related events such as oil spills, air quality problems, or traffic congestion. With the steady increase of shared data platforms and data sharing activities over the past decade it is important to understand the latest trends and developments of how VGI, social media, and other novel data sources can assist with detection, analysis, and management of such events, and in general help to improve quality of life including health or a shift towards greener transportation.

This full-day workshop provides an opportunity for interested researchers and practitioners to share ideas and findings on innovative methods for the spatio-temporal analysis of crowd-sourced data, to demonstrate real-world applications using data from different crowd-sourcing platforms, and to discuss technical questions and innovations on data access and data fusion. The first portion of the workshop consists of short paper presentations under the general workshop theme. The second portion focuses on showcasing practical applications of VGI and social media. This includes but is not limited to: demonstrations of successful examples of using VGI/social media for humanitarian operations; use of VGI/social media for decision support in government on health societal or transport issues; use of VGI/social media or Open Data for improvement of base maps; short tutorials or demonstration of VGI/social media data analysis methods and data extraction from various online resources.  Accepted papers and abstracts will be uploaded to the workshop Website. The workshop editors plan to host a special issue in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information journal as a follow up to the workshop. Workshop presenters will be invited to submit full papers.  

This VGI workshop is the 6th workshop in a series of successful AGILE pre-conference workshops organised by this committee. Previous workshops were held in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The leaders of this year’s VGI workshop successfully organised a follow-on Special Issue in the International Journal of Geo-Information (

Please check our workshop's website to find more details about, available at

Workshop Organisers

  • Peter Mooney: Maynooth University, Ireland; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Alexander Zipf: University of Heidelberg, Germany; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Jamal Jokar: Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Hartwig H. Hochmair: University of Florida, United States; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Levente Juhász: Florida International University, United States; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Title: "Reproducible Research (RR@AGILE)"


Reproducibility, replicability, and transparency are widely recognised as crucial topics forReproducibility, replicability, and transparency are widely recognised as crucial topics forscholarly research. This full-day workshop is the 3rd in a series of pre-conference workshops at AGILE teaching participants concepts and best practices for reproducible research (RR).

The workshop prepares participants for the future of research publications by:

  • introducing concepts and workflows for RR,
  • providing hands-on training on tools for RR using prepared examples of data & codeas well as published research articles,
  • demonstrating the levels and aspects of particular publications’ reproducibility suchas licensing or privacy,
  • providing literature and educational resources for application and teaching in ownlab,
  • teaching skills which increase the quality of scholarly publications and the potentialto collaborate,
  • introducing a proposal for author and reviewer guidelines at AGILE conferences, and
  • building participants’ confidence in their skills and knowledge to contribute to thediscourse about transparency and openness in science and to achieve newbreakthroughs in science in a reproducible way.

Registration for the workshop is open until May 6th 2019 via opening a new issue on the workshop repository using this link (filling out a template) in addition (!) to the conference registration.

Lean more about the RR@AGILE workshop series at , as well as you may learn more for the RR initiative at .


Daniel Nüst, Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster

Frank Ostermann, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente

Barbara Hofer, Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS, University of Salzburg

Rusne Sileryte, OTB - Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, TechnicalOTB - Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, TechnicalUniversity of Delft

Carlos Granell, Department of Information Systems, University of Jaume I

Title: "GeoCultGIS - GEOgraphical and CULTural aspects of Geo-data: Issues and Solutions"


While some geo-datasets offer global coverage and spatial methods attempt to be generic, applications frequently are of local nature. Local geographic and social-cultural idiosyncrasies lead to heterogeneity in data production practices and in interpretations of abstract geographical concepts. This, in its turn, limits the transferability of methods and theoretical approaches. In this workshop, the challenges involved and the general conceptual, methodological, technical, and empirical approaches for tackling such issues will be discussed. This workshop will thus contribute to the strengthening and networking of a community of geo-information researchers and practitioners facing and attending to these issues.

We encourage participants to submit conceptual, methodological, and/or empirical short papers discussing subjects such as:

  • The effects of data production practices and of geographical peculiarities (e.g. urban structures) on data accuracies and representations, and approaches for treating related biases;
  • Novel and integrative (i.e. multi-perspective) representations of geographical realities and objects;
  • Developments and studies considering contextual dependencies in the perception and usage of geographical concepts and categories (e.g. land use nomenclatures, identification and interpretation of boundaries);
  • The effects of geographical and cultural diversities on the transferability and application of data processing methods, and context-sensitive methodological developments;
  • GIScience research front and agendas in attending to geo-cultural dependencies.

Deadline for submission of short papers for the workshop is 13th May 2019. Authors of accepted contributions will be invited to submit a full paper to a special issue of Transactions in GIS organized by the workshop's organizing team.

For submission guidelines and additional information, please visit the workshop's website:


Dr.-Ing. Tessio Novack, GIScience, Heidelberg University

Dr. A. Yair Grinberger, GIScience, Heidelberg University

Dr. Michael Schultz, GIScience, Heidelberg University

Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf, GIScience, Heidelberg University

Dr. Peter Mooney, Department of Computer Science, Maynooth University

Title: "R for geovisualization, geoprocessing and geoanalytics"


Geospatial analytics (a modern term for spatial analysis) has been increasingly gainingGeospatial analytics (a modern term for spatial analysis) has been increasingly gainingmomentum within GIScience, particularly with the recent surge of (geospatial) data scienceand machine learning. Methods and techniques in spatial analysis, once only available inproprietary and rather expensive software, are now within every researcher’s andpractitioner’s reach via open-source, public-domain software. A solid understanding of thebasic concepts of spatial analysis, as well as the ability to implement relevant workflowsthrough specialised software can be a powerful tool for research and education within thecontext of “Geospatial Technologies for Local and Regional Development”.

The proposed hands-on workshop will provide the opportunity to participants to acquire aworking knowledge of methods and techniques in spatial analysis. More importantly,through the use of real-world case studies and open-source software (R programminglanguage), participants will develop practical skills and the ability to communicate analysisresults using specialised tools.


Lex Comber, School of Geography, University of Leeds

Phaedon Kyriakidis, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Geomatics, Cyprus University of Technology

Dimitris Kavroudakis, Dept. of Geography, University of the Aegean